To get around this, for the time being, just create new user and log in and then you can fix whatever needed. From cpconfig menu in ssh, expert mode, just choose administrator, add new one, follow the prompts, then issue cpstop/cpstart, wait few mins, until api is started (you can run api status to check) and thats it, it will work to log in with new account.
[Expert@CP-MANAGEMENT:0]# cpconfig
This program will let you re-configure
your Check Point Security Management Server configuration.
Configuration Options:
(1) Licenses and contracts
(2) Administrator
(3) GUI Clients
(4) SNMP Extension
(5) Random Pool
(6) Certificate Authority
(7) Certificate's Fingerprint
(8) Automatic start of Check Point Products
(9) Exit
Enter your choice (1-9) :2
Configuring Administrator...
You can view the list of administrators in the Manage and Settings tab in the SmartConsole.
Do you want to add an administrator (y/n) [y] ?