Hi @Jeff_Gao
Usually Jumbo ongoing takes are declared as GA few weeks after release. please find below more information from sk95746.
Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator release is introduced in 2 steps:
- Ongoing Jumbo - Every Jumbo release is first introduced as “Ongoing” version, ready for deployment for early adopters customers. “Ongoing” release is in high quality and passed all Check Point release Criteria. Version is available via CPUSE by using the package identifier and also can be provided by Check Point Customer Support.
- General Availability (GA) Jumbo - Check Point Recommended Jumbo Hotfix for all deployments. An “Ongoing” Jumbo is declared as “GA” following significant amount of this Jumbo installations in the field. Version is available via CPUSE’s “Recommended packages” view.
Regards, Merav Alon