I'm sorry Dameon Welch Abernathy, I'm not getting the point. If I may, I want to show you the scenario I'm working on so that you could help me with some specific questions. The Standalone has it's eth1 port currently configured as follows:

Considerenig that I want to use the IP as the cluster's internal IP (because it is currently my default gateway), do I have to:
- set an IP for the eth1 port from the subnet? For example for the primary member and for the secondary member.
- set an IP for the eth1.x VLAN from the 10.10.x.0/24 subnet? For example 10.10.x.251 for each VLAN of the primary member and 10.10.x.252 for each VLAN of the secondary member.
Furthermore, the Standalone has it's eth3 port currently configured as follows:
- eth3: Type Ethernet, IPv4 Address -Public IP-, Subnet Mask, Link Status Up.
- eth3.100: Type VLAN, IPv4 Address 10.0.x.x, Subnet Mask, Link Status Up. (There's a VPN over this VLAN).
- eth3.200: Type VLAN, IPv4 Address 10.x.x.x, Subnet Mask, Link Status Up. (There's an IPSec VPN over this VLAN that must not be routed to the internet).
Considering that I want to use the -Public IP- as the cluster's external IP, how do I set the eth3 port, eth3.100 and eth3.200 VLANs for both members?
Thank you in advance.