So I had CP Endpoint flag a file today that has been sitting on our network for the last 20 years (no joke), it's an ancient version of DeltaCopy. In any case, Endpoint moved it into a local folder on my PC. Okay, that's alright but, I have now determined I have no ability to view files that are quarantined. I have disabled the endpoints default images from being able to restore files in Quarantine because I do not trust end users to be able to evaluate whether or not a file is safe (ie. not a false positive).
However, as an administrator I need some ability to review those files at the local desktop level (pushing them all to a central location is not always possible).
Does anyone know where the utility is , since it is not deployed to any endpoint? I need to be able to plop this somewhere on a network drive so that I can review and possible delete or restore flagged files.
The CP website directs me, " Get the administrator utility from the release homepage.", but all that I can find there are monolithic installers. I believe I really only need the remediation utility for the given client version, so which package would contain them? They are all .msi installers. I do not work with .msi installers that often.