Hi Alisson,
I noticed my schoolboy error myself this morning. I had cribbed an entry from the support site that was checking the value of an integer and not a string, and should have had "=" and not ">=". It was weird in that when I manually malformed the domain string in the registry that it triggered non-compliance, but didn't block traffic and never switched back to compliance.
It's working quite well for me now, thanks.
Classic case of RTFM! 🙂
One thing I did notice is that on the firewall itself, and the copy of "local.scv" that it has there is an extra line in the section that contains the checks you wish to enforce.
:SCVPolicy (
: (RegMonitor)
: (ckp_scv)
I didn't add this but it does have its own section in that file.
: (ckp_scv
:type (plugin)
:parameters (
:protect_all_ifc (true)
:non_ip_protocols (true)
:send_log (true)
:send_warning (true)
Not sure why that got enabled.