Hi All,
We're going to be changing our trac_client_1.ttm file on the Gateways as per SK103440
For the change to take affect for clients we'll have to delete & recreate the VPN site.
We attempted to do this via push operations from the Infinity Portal for Windows 10/11 x64 endpoints with Harmony Mobile 86.80 and 86.60 but the push operation wasn't really stable or reliable we found (We've asked TAC about it and are waiting to see what they can determine from client logs). We've also verified that the way we formulated the push operations was correct and it *sometimes* worked on test and prod endpoints but not reliably enough for us to comfortably use.
As an alternative we're trying to write a simple batch script to use trac.exe to disconnect, delete, and recreate the site but it doesn't appear to want to delete the site consistently either.
Script lines are as follows:
>cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\CheckPoint\Endpoint Security\Endpoint Connect\"
>trac.exe disconnect -g "FW Cluster Name"
>trac.exe delete -s "Sitename"
>trac.exe create -s "Sitename" -di "SiteDisplayName" -lo "Standard"
This fails on deleting the sitename with message "Connection could not be deleted". Does anyone know what could be causing this?