Hello, I wanted to ask several questions about the endpoint because i am the administrator of it and can't figure it out and resolve my issues.
I was testing the encryption policies and 2 weeks ago i wanted to disable them on my PC so i can proceed to test other policies. Now i am stuck at decrypting 0% and this status has been like this for more than 2 weeks.. I tried to repair client but it did not help. Also i tried to remove all the policies and than to install on my PC because it is in a separate virtual group and now the checkpoint can't update it because the decrypting status is 0%. Also tried to uninstall the whole antivirus endpoint and it showed me that the antivirus cant be uninstalled because decryption is ongoing.. How do i resolve this issue? Can you tell me?
Also i have a problem updating the antivirus on some PCs. On one PC the update failed and i cant even update it manually. Also tried to uninstall and i got error that i don't have enough privileges. I found a way to uninstall it but than the Windows fails to start.. How to i resolve this issue too?
Thank you very much