Hello fellow Checkmates.
I have a situation that I'm in a quandary about what to do.
I currently have an environment with R80.10 Management, R77.30 gateways, and separate R77.30.03 Endpoint Management with E80.80 Endpoint clients. Our fleet has a combination of Windows 7 and 10 (1607) machines.
We use the VPN and Firewall features on our endpoints (Application control is automatically selected because Firewall is selected). Hub mode is not selected, so only 'interesting' traffic matching the subnets added to the group I created for the Remote Access VPN domain is routed over the client VPN. I have the default firewall policy set to the following:

Since migrating to Office 365, my users have had many challenges with using Outlook and Skype for Business while they are connected with VPN. The clients lock up/crash until the user disconnects the VPN, then Outlook/Skype works fine.
I have worked with the TAC in the past, but was not able to put anything effective in place to mitigate these issues.
Aside from upgrading everything to R80.20 (which we will do when the product has a few general takes under its belt), what else could the community suggest I look at?