Author: @Omar_Gaona
Security Engineer – Great North
Originally created on 10.12.2018
Adapted for CP4B by @_Val_ on 15.06.2020
1. Download the R80.20 EndPoint Management Operating System (OS) ISO:
2. Download SmartConsole
Hardware Recommendations
Hardware requirements for Management server: (recommended)
- Supported Platforms :
- Guest operating system: Linux 3.x Kernel 64-bit
- Guest operating system: Linux 3.x Kernel 64-bit
- Windows Hyper-V 2012 R2, 2016 (only 64-bit) (Generation 1)
- VMWare ESXi 5.x, 6.x
- Processor: 2 GHz
- Total CPU cores: 2 cores
- Memory : 8 GB RAM
- Disk Space : 250 GB
Hardware requirements details:
OS Installation
3. Load the Operating system (ISO) to your VM. Select “Install Gaia on this system” and press ENTER.

4. Select “Ok” to continue with the OS installation.

5. Select the desired keyboard type and select “OK”.

6. Specify the disk partitions. Recommend to double the default size for the log partition.

7. Enter the new password for the “admin” Account. These credentials are also going to be use with SmartConsole.

8. Enter the IP address, net-mask, and default gateway for the EndPoint Server. Is important not to change the IP address in the future, as the endpoint devices will use it to communicate with the EndPoint server.

9. Select “Ok” to continue and format the drive.

10 Once the installation is completed, select the “Reboot” option.

First time configuration wizard
11. Launch the Web browser and enter the IP address of the endpoint server. ex:
Note – You might receive a certificate error page due to an unknown, unresolved browser conflict. Click Continue to this Web site.

12. Enter the credentials from step number seven.
13. The First Time Configuration Wizard will begin automatically. Select “Next”.

14. Select “Continue with R80.20 configuration” and select “Next”.

15. Only if needed update the Management interface IP information and select “Next”.
16. Enter the Device information and select “Next”.

17. Make sure that the right time is set properly or use a NTP server and Select “Next”.

18. For the Installation Type Select Security Management and select “Next”.

19. Make sure that under Products, only Security Management is select, also if this is a new Management Server define Security Management as Primary and select “Next”.

20. Select “Use Gaia administrator: admin” as the authentication account for SmartConsole.
- Note – new admin or monitor accounts can be add later from SmarConsole.

21. Select who can connect to the Management server.

22. At this point, the First Time Configuration is completed. Select “Finish” to applying the configuration.

23. Please do not close this window and wait until it finishes.

SmartConsole – Enable SmartEndPoint
24. Launch SmartConsole (R80.20) from your desktop, enter the credentials and select “LOGIN”.

25. Double click on the Endpoint management server object and enable “Endpoint Policy Management” then Select “OK”.

26. Click on Main Menu and select Install Database.

Endpoint Security Express setup
27. Click on the Main Menu and open SmartEndPoint, once is opened click on “Getting Started”.

28. When the Express Setup Wizard opens select “Next”.

29. Select “Load the latest supported client version from the internet” and select “Next”.

30. Activate the desired software Security Blades and select “Next”.

31. Import and establish synchronization with Active Directory.

32. Enter the Active Directory information and select “Scan”.

33. Do not enter any of the information for the Deployment and Select “Next”.

34. Verify that all desired security software blades are enabled and select “Finish”.

You have successfully completed the installation and initial configuration for the Endpoint Management server!
Additional Resources
For additional training, please follow the links below: