Has someone used filter in show-sessions ? I need examples which functions
When I do it per console or with python API the answer is always as if filter would be ignored and send back the first sessions.
console: show sessions view-published-sessions true filter "mytext-inside-the-field-name"
API: show-sessions with ploads { ....., "view-published-sessions":true,"filter":"mytext-inside-the-field-name" } )
I get always the 50 first changes.
Is it functioning with filter ? Does anyone know, how to use it ?
Thank you for your help
DOC: https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/latest/APIs/index.html#web/show-sessions~v1.7
Parameter name Value Description
filter string Search expression to filter objects by. The provided text should be exactly the same as it would be given in SmartConsole Object Explorer. The logical operators in the expression ('AND', 'OR') should be provided in capital letters. The search involves both a IP search and a textual search in name, comment, tags etc.