Can't seem to edit posts, and I realized I forgot to include the version I'm running. That system was R81.20 jumbo 65. I just rebuilt it at R81.20 jumbo 76 and I have the same issue:
[Expert@TestSC:0]# taskId="01234567-89ab-cdef-81cd-95e826bd7d4e"
[Expert@TestSC:0]# mgmt_cli -f json -r true show task task-id "${taskId}"
"tasks" : [ {
"task-id" : "01234567-89ab-cdef-81cd-95e826bd7d4e",
"task-name" : "Publish operation",
"status" : "succeeded",
"progress-percentage" : 100,
"suppressed" : false,
"task-details" : [ {
"publishResponse" : {
"numberOfPublishedChanges" : 1,
"mode" : "async"
"revision" : "9485f8cb-4e2f-400f-88a7-9bf60c33e4a9"
} ]
} ]
[Expert@TestSC:0]# mgmt_cli -f json -r true show task task-id "${taskId^^}"
"code" : "generic_err_object_not_found",
"message" : "Requested object [01234567-89AB-CDEF-81CD-95E826BD7D4E] not found"
But this gets weirder. I also have an opposite issue:
[Expert@TestSC:0]# taskId=$(mgmt_cli -f json -s session.txt show tasks limit 1 | jq '.tasks[0]."task-id"' | tr -d '"')
[Expert@TestSC:0]# echo "${taskId}"
[Expert@TestSC:0]# mgmt_cli -f json -s session.txt show task task-id "${taskId}"
"tasks" : [ ]
[Expert@TestSC:0]# mgmt_cli -f json -s session.txt show task task-id "${taskId^^}"
"tasks" : [ {
"task-id" : "01234567-89ab-cdef-9c69-3d76e924acd1",
"task-name" : "add simple-cluster",
"status" : "succeeded",
"progress-percentage" : 100,
"suppressed" : true
} ]
With that task, the lowercase string representation of the UUID doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't find the task. The uppercase string representation finds the task. So for some types of task, you need to specify the task ID in uppercase. For some, you need to specify it in lowercase.