Hi, I'm new to checkpoint this week and have some issues with the R80.30 platform. I have a need to extract the members ( hostname and ipv4) details from certain groups ( some seem to have more than a couple of hundred entries) from specific groups. I have navigated to the respective Group and indeed a .csv is produced. The only issue is that the .csv output only contains (from memory) the last modified date with the respective user name of who made the last change. I now need a method to extract the members and have found this article. Now I have no test env to test your suggested commands. Can you confirm that these are non intrusive to any normal operations and will give me the correct outputs.
Is this command executable from the "admin" account ?
Hi Phoneboy,
I'm making some further extractions from the Db from the specific Network Group called "GP_WinUpdates_Exceptions".
I run the following and get the output shown:-
"mgmt_cli -r true show-group name "GP_WinUpdates_Exceptions" offset 500 --format json | jq '.members[] | [.name, ."ipv4-address"] |@csv' -r
I get the following error: can you please advise on what may be the issue please?
"jq: error: Cannot iterate over null"