Sorry, I don't understand which 20 items you're talking about, can you elaborate?
BTW, I made a one-liner that goes over the DB and takes all the policy packages and export access control RB + NAT RB for each and saves them as text file in json format. Still needs work but maybe you can use it. Not suitable for MDS at the moment.
mgmt_cli show packages -r true | grep "name" > Senn_temp.txt ; cat Senn_temp.txt | cut -d':' -f2- > Senn_temp0.txt ; Lines=$(cat Senn_temp0.txt | wc -l) ; for (( N=0; $N<$Lines; N=(($N+2)))); { current=$(head -1 Senn_temp$N.txt); current=${current::-2}; current=${current:2}; echo $current >> policies0.txt; cat Senn_temp0.txt | tail -$(($Lines-$N-2)) > Senn_temp$(($N+2)).txt; } ; rm Senn_temp* ; Lines=$(cat policies0.txt | wc -l) ; for (( N=0; $N<$Lines; N=(($N+1)))); { current_policy=$(head -1 policies$N.txt); current_layer=$(mgmt_cli show package -r true name $current_policy | grep -A2 access-layers: | grep name* | cut -c8-); current_layer=${current_layer::-2}; current_layer=${current_layer:2}; current_name="${current_layer// /_}"; mgmt_cli show access-rulebase name "$current_layer" limit 500 -r true --format json > $current_name.txt; mgmt_cli show nat-rulebase package "$current_policy" limit 500 -r true --format json > NAT_$current_name.txt; cat policies$N.txt | tail -$(($Lines-$N-1)) > policies$(($N+1)).txt; } ; rm policies* ;
Kind regards, Amir Senn