I'd like to point out that I've searched the forum, but came up empty handed.
Mgmt R81.10 - Take 94
Problem in question: How do you search using filter?
[Expert@fwmg01:0]# mgmt_cli -r true show services-tcp filter 'aol OR bgp'
objects: []
total: 0
Documentation says to use the same syntax as in Objects Explorer 
This however, displays nothing (the services do exist and shows up on single keyword search)

Is this a bug or am I unable to comprehend the documentation?
Fwiw, Deckers post on R80 Management API tips and tricks - "show-objects... - Check Point CheckMates didn't help much either following his example.
[Expert@fwmg01:0]# mgmt_cli -r true show-objects type service-tcp filter "aol OR bgp"
total: 0
objects: []
BR \Daniel