Just to compare, attached below typical output of R8x show-package tool. As you can see, information completely replaces the same functionality of R7x Web Visualization Tool.
This thread however discusses how to get full rule information when searching for usages of objects.
Option 1: run "where used", collect the UID's of the rules, then run "show access-rule" for each rule UID.
Option 2: run "where used" with "details-level full". This will show the full objects that use the given object. However, it will show a lot of other information and may result with a slow response.
Option 3: run "where used", collect the rule positions, then look at the show-package HTML output (see image above) and locate the rule.
Let's demonstrate option 1:
Step 1: where used for host "Marco". We want to see its indirect usages, because Marco belongs to a network group which appears in some rules. From the output we would like to isolate the rule UID and the layer UID because both parameters are required for the next step. So we will use JQ to parse the output and select only the things that we care about.
mgmt_cli where-used name Marco indirect true -s id.txt --format json | jq -r '."used-indirectly"."access-control-rules"[] | (.rule.name // "no rule name", .rule.uid, .layer.name, .layer.uid)'
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
no rule name
FinanceSolutions Network
We got groups of 4 - rule name (which shows "no rule name" in case it has no name), rule UID, layer name, layer UID.
Now we can run show access-rule on each result to see the full rule. For example, for the first result:
mgmt_cli show access-rule uid 69ea551c-ad13-4a5f-8b68-897928119da8 layer 19942103-1419-4e71-b655-e1aad4c82535 -s id.txt