This script generate group objects with the IP addresses of AWS.
Download AWS IP ranges from: https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json
Run the attached Python script (the script does not have to run on the management server).
Provide the script with: the management's server IP address, username, password, the path for the downloaded file from Microsoft.
The script will now generate:
- Over 500 networks (for example: aws_network_103.246.148.0/23 )
- about 20 Group objects, one for each Azure region (for example: aws_region_us-east-1)
- and a group object called aws_region_all - a group object that contain all the group region objects.
When you get an updated file from AWS, you can run the tool again. When running the tool with the updated file, only the changes will be processed so that it would work much faster.
Download the attached zip and extract it on any machine with Python 2.7.x.
python aws.py
Code Version
Code version 1.0.0
Tested on version
R80, API version 1.0