Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator for R80.10 (R80_10_jumbo_hf)
For those contemplating upgrade to Take_91: I've just borked my SMS by going from Take_70 to Take_91.
No WebUI, ssh behaves weirdly and clish CPUSE uninstall is not working.
I am not implying that it is not a one-off issue, but keep it in mind and snapshot before JHFAs installations.
I've skipped it this time and am looking at a lab rebuild.
Also, the reason I was going to Take_91 is actually the first one described in Take_103:
"Management HA fails to synchronize with "The Security Management Servers contain different Hotfixes" error even though the same packages are installed on servers."
Another incentive to go with 103 is this: Issues Restoring Gaia Backup in R80.10 JHF 70, 79, 85, 91