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iPhone Real-time Push notification on SmartEvent

This is what I see on my iPhone in real-time when there is a SSH login on firewalls or firewall manager.

(It is a push message send via the service called #Prowl)

This is a prowl push message showing me that someone is logging in to my firewall via SSH

I also gets real-time notifications whenever a port scan is detected from the intranet (see the prowl message at the bottom of this page).

Below is a quick guide on how to setup this type of real-time alerting - it takes less the 20 min to do.

1. Download the Prowl App from the Apple App Store.

2. Register at and generate an API key.

3. Place a bash script on your firewall that uses curl to send an alarm (using the API key).

4. Configure Smart Event to use the prowl as a generic alarm.

5. Select the events you want to have realtime alerts on.

1. Download the Prowl App from Apple's App Store..

First you must download the prowl app (it is an iPhone app). 

An alternative exist, it is called PushOver for Android based phones (also works on iPhones) but my script and description here is made for iPhones - feel free to rewrite another version with a more generic app Smiley Happy 

The app looks like this:

The Prowl app in Apples appstore
A link to the appstore: 

2. Register at and create an API key

To generate an API key you must register at the webpage

You can generate as many keys there as you like for free - they will be linked to your prowl account and can be used to differentiate different types of alarms.

They also come with a unique email address you can send a mail to and get the same function ( a push message on your iPhone).

It is really as easy as seen below - after registering on the page just press the "API Keys" tab and then the top right corner and then the "generate key" button on the page (then copy the key to be used later below).

You can give it a note/name if you like like "firewall alarms", "firewall login" etc.. 

This is how you create a prowl API key


3. Place a bash script on your firewall

I have two scripts placed on all my Check Point appliances - no matter if they are acting as firewalls or managers etc.

They are for logging all SSH logins and for logging Reboots.

To get a notification every time some one logges in via Secure Shell..

To get a notification every time some one logges in via SSH you can place a file in the directory /etc/ssh/ called sshrc

(this file will, per design of sshd, be executed by the system whenever any SSH login occours)

In that file you place the following code - but remember to replace the "your-prowl-api-key-here" with your own prowl API key (The API key consists of a 40 char/digit long string).

In the file /etc/ssh/sshrc place the following code  (Notice the blue text is a hardcoded directory - it can be replaced with a variable)


if [ -e /etc/profile.d/ ]; then 
. /etc/profile.d/ 

if [ -x ${CPMDIR}/bin/curl_cli ]; then
 I=$(echo ${SSH_CONNECTION:-Unknown}|/bin/cut -d " " -f 1)
 ${CPMDIR}/bin/curl_cli \
--insecure \
-F apikey=your-prowl-api-key-here \
-F priority=2 \
-F application="DMZ01" \
-F event="LOGIN FIREWALL #2" \
-F description="User ${USER:-[Unknown]} log in from ${I:-[Unknown IP]}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Feel free to alter the green text to variables or other descriptions

* Note: Perhaps the firewall is blocked from sending a https request via curl to the address

To get alerts when the firewall boots..

To get an alert when the firewall or manager boots place the following in the file called /etc/rc.local:
Edit this file: /etc/rc.local

REBOOT_TIME="$(last reboot|head -1|cut -d ' ' -f13-17)"
${CPMDIR}/bin/curl_cli \
--insecure \
-F apikey=your-prowl-api-key-here \
-F priority=2 \
-F application="LAN" \
-F description="Reboot: ${REBOOT_TIME:-Unknown} : $(date)" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Again feel free to alter the green text to variables or other descriptions

* Note: Perhaps the firewall is blocked from sending a https request via curl to the address

IMPORTANT: Ensure curl is present on the firewall/manager you install this on
Ensure you have curl on the Check Point appliance

In my 80.20 it is located here: ${CPMDIR}/bin/curl_cli

If you also wants to enable push messages / alarms from Smart Events then read on.. 

4. Configure Smart Event to use the prowl as a generic alarm.

If you also want to get alarms from Smart Event's like an internal port scan, virus attacks, IDS/IPS trigger etc, you can simply create a new smart event alarm in the Smart Event Policy pane under:

-> Generic Settings -> Objects view called "Automatic Reactions" like this: 

Create a new prowl trigger in Smart Event

to get the prowl activated you must place curl and the prowl script shown #below in the special directory on the firewall manager / smart event server called: $RTDIR/bin/ext_commands

It might not exist - if that is the case then just create it : 

mkdir -m 700 $RTDIR/bin/ext_commands

Now place the program curl in the same directory (one way to get curl is to run "find / -name curl" and copy it to the directory)

The curl utility and the prowl script is placed in the special directory

And add the following to the prowl script:

vi $RTDIR/bin/ext_commands/prowl

source /etc/profile.d/
if [ ! -x ${CURL} ]; then
echo ""
echo "Missing ${CURL} - exiting!"
echo ""
exit 1
OUT=$(echo ${EVENT:-error}|awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}' RS='(' FS=')'|tr ';' '\n')
${CURL} --silent \
--insecure \
-F apikey=your_prowl_api_key_here \
-F priority=2 \
-F application="Firewall Alert" \
-F event="Notification" \
-F description=" Info: ${OUT:-Error}" > /dev/null
return 0

Set the script and curl to be executable and owned by the user admin: 

chown admin:root $RTDIR/bin/ext_commands/prowl

chmod 700 $RTDIR/bin/ext_commands/prowl

NB: I have also set the ext_commands directory to chmod 700 

chmod 700 $RTDIR/bin/ext_commands

5. Select the events you want to have real-time alerts on.

Now you just need to select the events you want to have the prowl real-time alarm on like this: 
Enable the prowl alert on the event.

Here is how a portscan is reported - notice i can also see what ports they scanned for: 

This is a prowl alert showing the details of a portscanning made from within the LAN

To test if the trigger and alarm works, just try a nmap -Pn -p0-65535 from your internal net # *just kidding*  

---------------------------------------- END OF MESSAGE --------------------------

Best regards

Keld Norman @ #Dubex A/S - Denmark.
This is my Dubex email address..

10 Replies

Wow, that's quite clever, I must say.

Nicely done!


Image result for king


Wao that is great, excelent 

Champion Champion

That is extremely useful for critical SmartEvent reports.



Wow , such a gr8 job!!!!


thank you for that detailed guide !


Soo cool. 


Excellent Work!

It fits perfectly the new SmartMobile application we are planning for 2018, getting real time alert and live monitoring to mobile devices.

Thank you.


Great guide Smiley Happy

I do the same but with Pushbullet which is free.

0 Kudos


Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol.

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