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There are several issues with this post that might not have existed last year. I used a linux host rather than my management server. However, changing curl to curl_cli will allow it to properly run from a management host or gateway.

1.) The login process needs to be updated since the login URL is different.

 curl -k -v --cookie-jar ./cookie -d "usersOriginalURL=&customer=&needCaptcha=false&userName=user%40domain.com&password=ENTERPASSWORDHERE" https://urlcat.checkpoint.com/urlcat/login.htm

 2.) I had to adjust the script as well. The grep command in the initial script did not work properly for me so I had to play around with the sed/grep/tr options to present it how I wanted. I also had to adjust the options for curl as the script kept overwriting my cookie file rather than using it.

while read p;
result=$(curl -k -q -b ./cookie -d "action=post&actionType=submitURL&needCaptchaForMiscat=true&urlCategorization=$p&ticketIDToLookFor=" https://urlcat.checkpoint.com/urlcat/main.htm 2>&1 | grep -A4 "Categories:" | tr -d '\n' | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | grep -oP '<\/b>.*<\/p> <d' | sed -e 's/^<\/b> //' -e 's/ <.*$//')
echo $p, $result
sleep 1
done < sites.txt

When run, it outputs as expected:

linux$ ./categories.sh
www.google.com, Search Engines / Portals
www.yahoo.com, Search Engines / Portals
www.checkpoint.com, Computers / Internet
www.amazon.com, Shopping



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