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Connection failure on firewall failover - Out of state packets

Hardware: 23500
OS: GAIA R81.10 Take 94
Active / Standby Setup
ThroughPut - Typical: 250Mbps

Many applications do not survive on cluster failover. They do not recover, only solution is to re-start the application.

At the time of failover, we see hundreds of out of state packets and logs showing first packet isn't syn with push-ack flags.

When we fail from member A to B - we did not see any traffic passing from member B unless the app is re-started.
Checked the # of connections on the connection table and for some IP addresses there is a big difference; Example 800 on active member and 600 on standby member. All TCP based traffic with no UDP component.

Not sure but I believe that this started after we change the clustering method from VRRP to ClusterXL but I may be wrong here.

Is the difference in the # of connections in connections table acceptable?
Can this bee the issue explained in SK180253?
Any command to check if the 2 firewalls are out of Sync?

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