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FQDN - how does it work under the hood?

I was asked today how FQDN objects work, especially when the client resolved the URL already in the LAN.

1. Assuming NON-FQDN mode
- client resolves apps.apple.com from internal DNS server to IP address
- client forwards request to default router and then via firewall to internet
- The firewall has an NON-FQDN object apple.com which allows the traffic.
However, the firewall see the IP address and not the URL, correct?
Does the firewall always do a reverse DNS lookup to see if the destination IP is part of any FQDN object?
Default TTL = 60 seconds

The FQDN-A-Deeper-Dive-Customer.pdf did refer to older version.

2. Assuming FQDN mode and destination www.apple.com
Default TTL = 3600 seconds
Does the firewall always do a reverse DNS lookup to see if the destination IP is part of any FQDN object?
Same question


Any idea?

Thanks; Regards

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