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Terraform GWLB Lab Creator

Hi CheckMates

I have been working to create a lab creator for GWLBe for some trainings and would like to share it.

The idea behind the lab creator it to deploy a fast lab to show it or demo it to a customer or for training sessions, the idea for terraform is create and destroy.


The use cases for the lab is:

  • Security protection for Public VPC using edge association and GWLBe
  • Protection between two vpcs
  • Internet traffic inspection

For the security VPC, you have to run first the checkpoint official terraform template for TGW-GWLB


Fill the variables on the teraform.tfvars


This terraform template will create:

  • Two VPCs
  • Two Public subnets
  • Two private subnets
  • Two GWLBe for the edge association
  • Two Transit subnet for attachments
  • Route tables
  • EC2 for public and private services



For more detailed info regarding the lab



The terraform lab creator is not an official work or supported version, but it is a really god starting point to learn and deploy something fast

Thanks CheckMates


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