With the new server architecture in R80, we wanted to minimize the effect of duplicating all the policies and rules for the sake of revisions. This could make things like "where used" and "manage policies" more complex as the time goes by. There are several ways to rollback changes to a policy:
- You can view all the revisions of the system by going to Manage & Settings --> Revisions. You can log into a read-only mode of each one of the revisions in order to observe the system more deeply. You can also delete all the revisions up to the one selected by pressing the "Purge" button, although this sometimes may be a drastic move.

- When looking at a layer, you can select from the toolbar above it Actions --> History and view the history of changes that were made for this layer. You can then rollback those changes by pressing the "revert" button, however, some operations such as changing objects inside the rules will not be reverted in this case.

- The option which I think that will be the best for you, will be to go to "Installation History" under the "Access Tools" in the bottom part of the left-side navigation. This view shows the occurrences of policy installation per gateway, and it has the option to install an older revision on a gateway without modifying the database in the Management server. I would recommend this as the action to do in case an unexpected problem happens after installing a policy.