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Forgot to mention... did you try adding an EVAL license to see if license is really the issue? Try...

1) From User Center -> Customer Acquisitions -> Product Evaluation, Generate a "ALL-IN-ONE" Evaluation License
2) For the IP Address you can either enter the WAN/LAN IP or just
3) Download the license file (CPLicenseFile.lic)
4) Enable bashUser and transfer the EVAL license to gateway to like "/storage"
5) Run the following command to apply the EVAL license

cplic put -l /storage/CPLicenseFile.lic

6) Wait for a few minutes and check the license is valid for the security blades with the following command (e.g. APPI/URL)

cpstat appi -f subscription_status
cpstat urlf -f subscription_status

7) Run the "configload_status" command in Expert and wait for the "configload_status" to show all stats "No Error"

Now check again if the APPI/URL/HTTPS policy is enforced for your connection.
If not, you may want to Enable/Disable blade or just reboot the appliance to check. 

If the EVAL works, then we know it is an issue with the original license. -> Consult with Account Services
If not, then there maybe issue with device status/configuration -> Consult with TAC


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