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@AndreiR can you confirm with the SK team that SK180395 can now be made public?
The TL;DR of it is to change idp_browser_mode in trac.defaults from embedded to default_browser.
trac.defaults can be found on the client in:

  • 64-bit Windows: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\CheckPoint\Endpoint Connect\trac.defaults
  • macOS: /Library/Application Support/Checkpoint/Endpoint Security/Endpoint Connect/Trac.defaults

The Endpoint service will then need to be restarted as follows:

  • Windows (as admin)
    • net stop TracSrvWrapper
    • net start TracSrvWrapper
  • macOS:
    • sudo launchctl stop com.checkpoint.epc.service
    • sudo launchctl start com.checkpoint.epc.service

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