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You don't need CLI access to Smart-1 Cloud to do what is described in this thread.
You just have to do it a little differently as mgmt_cli -r true can only be executed directly on the management station in expert mode.
-r true is a shortcut for the following commands:

  • mgmt_cli -m localhost login > sid.txt
  • mgmt_cli -m localhost -s sid.txt ...
  • mgmt_cli -m localhost -s sid.txt publish
  • mgmt_cli -m logout

You can execute similar commands from one of your gateways in expert mode (cannot be done via clish):

  • mgmt_cli -m mgmt-ip login > sid.txt
  • mgmt_cli -m mgmt-ip -s sid.txt show-group name 'RFC 1918 Addresses' --format json | jq '.members[] | [.name, ."ipv4-address", .subnet4, ."mask-length4" ] | @csv' -r
  • mgmt_cli -m mgmt-ip -s sid.txt logout

The mgmt-ip can be obtained from SmartConsole.
Authenticate with your SmartConsole credentials (make sure the user in question has API permissions).
Refer to the online help for mgmt_cli for additional options (just type the command with no arguments).

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