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Champion Champion

Show Ruleset and Objects on the Gateway (Emergency Recovery)

I had an emergency case at the customer that the management server (virtual server under VMWARE) was encrypted by an encryption trojan. The VMWare datastore was encrypted and also the virtual management server. Thus, the management server became unusable. Unfortunately, there was no backup, snapshot or "mirate server export" of the management server.

The big question was, can we reconstruct the policy and the corresponding objects on the gateway.

I found an interesting way to show the currently running policy and objects on the gateway.

Show layer structure:


db_tool -p /opt/CPsuite-R81.10/fw1/state/local/FW1 get_layers


Show  installed ruleset:


db_tool -p /opt/CPsuite-R81.10/fw1/state/local/FW1 get_rules


Show all installed objects and object settings:


db_tool -p /opt/CPsuite-R81.10/fw1/state/local/FW1 get_rules |grep UUID | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[2]}' | uniq | awk ' { cmd="db_tool -p /opt/CPsuite-R81.10/fw1/state/local/FW1 get_object -u "$1;system(cmd)}'


Show IP spoofing settings:


ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;echo -n " VIP "; cphaprob -a if |grep %|grep -v U|grep -v D | cut -c16-| tr -d "\r\n" ;echo;echo -n " IP ";ifconfig % | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1;echo -n " Mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo -en " ANTISPOOFING ENABLED:\t";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep has_addr_info | cut -c17- | tr \) " " |sort -n| uniq ; echo -en " ANTISPOOFING MODE:\t"; if [ `more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep monitor_only | cut -c16- | tr \) " " |sort -n| uniq| grep -o false` ]; then echo "PREVENT"; else echo "DETECT"; fi; echo -en " ANTISPOOFING TOPO:\t"; if [ `more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep external | cut -c12- | tr \) " " |sort -n| uniq| grep -o true` ]; then echo "External"; else echo "Internal"; fi;echo " ADDRESS SPOOFING NETWORKS:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -n| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'



I am working on a script that will automatically generate the appropriate policy and objects in management CLI (mgmt_cli) format. Thus, the policy can be imported to the management server very quickly.

Give me a little more time for this script.

The big question is, does Check Point already have a script for this case?

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