Thanks for the answer according HyperFlow/fast_accel.
The Multi-Queue answer is not suiteable for my question. I am interested in if there are plans and techniques to split/distribute ONE SINGLE TCP Connection to different SNDs. At the moment a single connection sticks exactly on one SND or on two if two interfaces are used.
So the limit for fast_accel and the limit for HyperFlow in ONE SINGLE connection is still limited by one SND / CPU Core. So to be honest - HyperFlow for Backups - if you already trust it - will not give any benefit. I am repeating the "backup" every time because this is mentioned in the video as a good scenario for HyperFlow.
From my perspective HyperFlow is more useful for daily business where Inspections are active, where users browse the web, or download files which we do not trust.
On the other hand hyperFlow is still no solution for elephant flows which happen in the night - so called backups.
So again, any plans to distribute ONE SINGLE TCP STREAM to different SNDs ? Or technically not possible? THIS would increase throughput for already trusted backups.
I am ware of lightspeed cards which will solve this issue.