In these Times Of Cyber Uncertainty many security agency and .gov's recommend to avoid using Kaspersky products.
Check Point offers a Harmony Endpoint client that does not include Kaspersky code.
Check Point's statement on Kaspersky
sk178309 - Switching to a non-Kaspersky anti-virus in Check Point Harmony Endpoint
sk173243 - How to change to a new Endpoint Security Client DHS-Compliant Anti-Malware engine
sk178413 - R80.40 Anti-Malware with a Non-Kaspersky Engine
Additional read:
sk118539 - How to disable and remove Kaspersky Lab components from Check Point Security Gateway
Some versions of Check Point Harmony Endpoint for Windows OS embed a 3rd-party code from Kaspersky Lab Anti-Virus.
Verify if Kaspersky is in use:
1. Open Task Manager.
2. Check if Check Point Endpoint Security Anti-Malware is running. -> Yes? -> Kaspersky engine is in use.
Recommendation: Kaspersky products can be safely replaced with Check Point Harmony Endpoint Security.
Thanks, Check Point!