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Do backup and snapshot as suggested. Hope you have console access to device or someone physically is there. I will suggest go with fresh clean install.

- Do fw unloadlocal ( good to do this step but not required)

- Login to the firewall web interface and clean install the R80.30 major version fresh install and upgrade file from CPUSE.

- After reboot, Complete the first time configuration wizard with our standard new settings. You may have to enter the following setting or simply confirm it and say yes.

  • Name: xxxx-xxx
  • Internet WAN- yes check the interface and IP address how you are connecting to Web Gui,ssh, smart console
  • DNS: xxx.com, IP of DNS x.x.x.x
  • NTP: x.x.x.x
  • SIC: cpconfig option 5,  do fw unloadlocal  (on dash-board gateway reset sic)
  • Gateway  x.x.x.1
  • On ssh : Set expert-password enter password save config

 - Verify that the network interfaces, static routes, and default gateway settings were not removed

- On SMS - Change the version on the firewall object from R77.30 to R80.30.  

-   Install Access Control and Threat Prevention policy. Access Control policy needs to be installed first. 

-  Download / import the R80.30 version latest jumbo hotfix as a package (T237)

-  Once the jumbo hotfix finishes downloading, run the install

-  After the hotfix installs, Install the policy again

- verify remote connectivity to the firewall web interface and other connections


- Restore the firewall to the snapshot that I created before the upgrade.       

- Install the firewall policy onto the firewall.   

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