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Maybe still the same root cause. I managed to work around the issue by unpacking the image, editing the respective appliances' patitioning defaults in  /system/base/appliance_configuration.xml
<layout min_disksize="434000M">
<volume name="lv_current">32768M</volume>
<volume name="lv_log">196608M</volume>
<volume name="lv_fcd">8192M</volume>
<volume name="hwdiag">1024M</volume>

<volume name="max_swap">32768M</volume>

and of cause repacking the image again:


genisoimage -U -r -v -T -J -joliet-long -V "CP_R80.40_GAIA_3_10" -volset "CP_R80.40_GAIA_3_10" -A "CP_R80.40_GAIA_3_10" -b isolinux.bin -c boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -o ../CP_R80.40_GAIA_3_10.iso .

Sticks with that image work flawlessly with jumbos

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