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Found an indication that the current domain was migrated, and the migration had failed

I recently encountered  this issue while migrating a R77.30 SMS to a new R80.40 SMS, so thought I would share the resolution.

The migrate process was all good, and initially the daemons all started, however after cpstop;cpstart the FWM process failed to start.

Investigated the fwm.elg file which implied a corruption while migrating a domain (note: this is a SMS not MDS environment). 

"Found an indication that the current domain was migrated, and the migration was unexpectedly interrupted.  Cannot start after such an interruption"

I contacted TAC who determine the following procedure should be used to resolve this issue.   This procedure is documented in a Internal SK:

Resolution Summary:
FWM process showed below error:
After a successful migrate export to R80.x, $FWDIR/scripts/cpm_status.sh shows "Check Point Security Management Server is running and ready".
"api status" shows Overall API Status: Error : FWM Is Not Running!
FWM daemon does not start even after reboot or cprestart
"fwm -d" output shows:
CPPRODIS_init_error_logging_ex: initialized error logging for product 'FW1' application 'FWM'. Log file is not set.
raise_file_limit: raising limit from 65535 to 65535
Found an indication that the current domain was migrated, and the migration had failed. Cannot start after a migration failure
destroy_rand_mutex: destroy
We followed below workaround to solve the issue:

1- Log to the Expert mode on the management server
2- Locate any files named "migration_had_failed" or "migration_in_progress" (In my case it was 'migration_in_progress'):
3- find / -name migration_had_failed | migration_in_progress
     Possible location of the file : $MDS_FWDIR | $FWDIR

5- $FWDIR/conf/migration_in_progress
6- moved this file from the current directory, to /var/tmp
7- Run "cprestart"

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