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Upcoming Events

Приглашаем вас принять участие в очередном CheckMates Live Virtual Edition, по теме "Оптимизация производительности шлюзов безопасности - лучшие практики", которое состоится 01 апреля 2021, в 15:00 по московскому времени.

Это первая из четырех запланированных сессий - Введение.

В рамках этого онлайн-мероприятия мы обсудим:

  • Терминологию и основные принципы производительности систем безопасности
  • Технологические решения для улучшения производительности:
    • SecureXL
    • CoreXL
    • Multi-Queue
    • Dynamic Workloads
    • Кластеризация с точки зрения производительности
  • Методики и главные инструменты для анализа производительности шлюзов безопасности

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0 0 395

Join us on March 25, 2021, for yet another exciting CheckMates Live event!

In this session, we will continue to talk about Performance Optimization Best Practices. This session is dedicated to CoreXL.

Our agenda includes:

  • Quick re-cap of previous sessions
  • CoreXL:
    • Terminology
    • Architecture
    • Optimization
    • Tools

Register here

Note: this event has limited numbed of places available. Priority will be given to the community members from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Albania.

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0 0 366

Join us on 30.03.2021, for a cyber security community event with your fellow Check Point customers and partners for an on-line CheckMates session.

We have an exciting agenda planned for you, covering all the latest news from CPX 360, the world's premier cyber security conference, as well as a deep dive session into Remote Access best practices with the incredible Shay Levin!

Agenda & Timings:

• 2:00pm CPX360 2021 Round Up

• 2:45pm Deep Dive: Remote access Best Practices

Note: this event is reserved for customers and partners from Ireland and United Kingdom.

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0 0 367

Приглашаем вас принять участие в очередном CheckMates Live Virtual Edition, посвященном теме удаленного доступа, 16.03.2021.

Ситуация с коронавирусом COVID-19 потребовала от всех нас совместного поиска способов защиты самого важного - наших семей и друзей, коллег по работе и наших организаций.

Многие компании приняли решение организовать удаленные защищенные рабочие места. Как предоставить сотрудникам безопасный удобный удаленный доступ с решениями Check Point и обеспечить непрерывность рабочих процессов?

В рамках онлайн-мероприятия мы расскажем вам про:

  • Задачи безопасного удаленного доступа
  • Быстрое развертывание
  • Мониторинг и логирование
  • Лицензирование и производительность
  • Тонкости конфигурации
  • Полезную литературу и лабораторные работы

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0 0 378

Технологии контейнеризации уже проникли в нашу жизнь и, очень часто, бизнес принимает решение использовать контейнеры, а не традиционные виртуальные машины.

В рамках двух полуторачасовых сессий, мы хотим рассказать об основах технологии контейнеризации, о том, как в Kubernetes устроена сеть и каким образом ее лучше всего защитить.
Никакого маркетинга, только техника!

1 день (2 марта):

  • Основы технологии контейнеризации
  • Основы Kubernetes
  • CI/CD - что это такое и зачем?
  • Сетевые особенности контейнеризованных приложений

2 день (3 марта):

  • Риски и вектора атак на контейнеры
  • Основы безопасности Kubernetes
  • Как проверять трафик Ingress controller'а
  • Основы защиты CI/CD pipeline

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1 0 416

Join us for a cyber security community event with your fellow Check Point customers / partners in cyberspace on March 26th, 2021 from 4:00PM till 5:30PM AEDT Time!

With more employees working from everywhere at anytime, organisations may overlook critical security aspects and increasing their exposure to cyber attacks.

We will cover off:

  • How remote users can pose a security threat and why protecting them and the organisation is vital
  • Why access to internal corporate applications to enable remote working can expose the organisation to security threats and how you can reduce the risk without reducing productivity
  • SaaS Applications are becoming part of every organisation's environment however the built in security is not enough for today's threats. How can you protect these applications without compromising the flexibility of the solution

This event will be virtual with physical meet-ups afterwards in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Details of the physical meet-ups will be communicated closer to the event pending restrictions in the local government area.

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0 0 347

Are you new to automation, scripting and API’s? Do you wonder what REST is (besides taking a break from work)? If so, this event is for you!

Join us on Thursday, 18th March 2020 @ 11am Eastern Time where we will cover the following:

  • APIs – What are they? How do I make them do what I want? We will cover the fundamentals of an API, what they are, how they work, and how to use them

  • Scripts – Concepts of scripting, and how scripting is used to make API’s come alive!

  • Automation – What is it, why do I want it? Will discuss the concepts of why automation can make you better at your job by tying scripts and API’s together.

This event will focus on the above concepts while utilizing examples focusing on Check Point use cases, which will be made available after the event.

We guarantee that you'll leave this event having learned something new that you can use to improve your security posture. In addition, this event provides an opportunity to meet other Check Point engineers in the region.

Note: This event intended for community members from the Eastern US

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0 0 405

Join us on 4 March 2021 @ 11am Central Time to discuss Check Point R81, the industry’s most advanced Threat Prevention and security management software!

We will talk about the most exciting features available with R81, including:

  • Automatic optimization of gateway performance a.k.a Dynamic Workflows,
  • Accelerated Policy Installation,
  • HTTPS Inspection improvements: TLS 1.3 support and HTTPSi Policy Layer,
  • NAT Policy Improvements,
  • Infinity Threat Prevention
  • Change Reports,
  • License and Upgrades Management through SmartConsole,
  • and more!

Note: This event has limited amount of places available and is intended for community members from South Central US

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0 0 366

Join us on March 09, 2021, to discuss Check Point R81, the industry’s most advanced Threat Prevention and security management software!

We will talk about the most exciting features available with R81, including:

  • Automatic optimization of gateway performance a.k.a Dynamic Workflows,
  • Accelerated Policy Installation,
  • HTTPS Inspection improvements: TLS 1.3 support and HTTPSi Policy Layer,
  • NAT Policy Improvements,
  • Infinity Threat Prevention,
  • Change Reports,
  • License and Upgrades Management through SmartConsole,
  • and more!

Register here

Note: this event intended for community members from Middle East and Africa

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0 0 367

Join us on March 04, 2021,  for an update session on our latest and greatest in network security.

With Quantum we take network security to the next level.

With our Quantum Maestro, Check Point is the only vendor to provide a hyperscale solution that can tackle any changing demand in network security for any organization.

Register here

This event is reserved for our customers and partners from Belgium and Luxembourg.

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0 0 403