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My top 5 SecureKnowledge solutions

Employee Employee
15 8 164K

Usually during training events we talk about useful resources and tools, including several SecureKnowledge solutions. There are several of them that I could print and put in my nightstand.

I will start with my top.

  • sk97638: Check Point Processes and DaemonsList of the processes and daemons, what they do, where are their logs, how to stop-start them, how to debug them. If a had to choose, I would probably pic this one.
  • sk52421: Ports used by Check Point softwareList of all ports used. Very useful when you have to enable or request for communications between Check Point elements, or when you have to troubleshoot some connections between them.
  • sk98348: Best Practices - Security Gateway PerformanceIncluding some useful tips for SecureXL, CoreXL, HyperThreading, Multi-Queue, and some references to other very good SKs about ClusterXL or VPN.
  • sk67820: Check Point Remote Access SolutionsIt has been many years from the first Check Point VPN/Remote Access solution. Lot of changes, names, licensing, and new capabilities. If you have doubts about which Remote Access Solution you need, this is the starting point.
  • ATRGs: Advanced Technical Reference GuidesOK, I'm cheating a bit here Smiley Happy This is not just one solution, but a landing page for all the ATRGs. Really, almost every ATRG is worth to have in bookmarks. How could I choose only one?

Also special mention to (outside my top 5):

  • sk111303: "Best Practices" Solutions and Documents
  • sk83520: How to verify that Security Gateway and/or Security Management Server can access Check Point servers?
  • sk65385: "How To" Solutions and Documents

And for you? The ones that you most visit or are most useful in your day-to-day work...

Which are your favourite TOP 5 "SKs"? Smiley Happy

Employee Employee

Great post! I have noticed that some seem to ignore official information available through release documentation or SKs. And take the easy path of asking straight away here in the community Smiley Happy nothing wrong with it of course but sometimes I find it rather lazy approach Smiley Happy


Since we run chassis and you don't touch them too often I keep coming back to ATRG for scalable platforms sk101556

Then ClusterXL upgrade methods and paths sk107042, great start point for gateway upgrades outside release focus

Magic numbers in deferent releases sk25977

I love using domain objects in R80.10.. hence sk120633

Other great ones come up but it feels that they are very much case specific

Happy New year!

P.S don't forget Tim Hall's book! Must read!

Employee Employee

Also great SKs!

Regarding ClusterXL, there is a lot information about it, but that sk107042 is definitely the starting point to understand how to upgrade a cluster.

P.S. Indeed, I will have to take a look at Tim Hall's book Smiley Happy



Considering I'm one of the few people on CheckMates that's originated a significant number of SKs (according to my internal SK search, roughly 400), I'll highlight a few of the favorites that I wrote.

They may or may not still be useful, but... Smiley Happy


Happened to run across this older thread.

Moving it into the new SecureKnowledge‌ space where it belongs Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Am probably behind the times, but just noticed the ATRG list is now much easier to find, i.e. linked from the support home page under Technology Reference Guide and easier to see when the guide was last updated. I like the change Ronen Zel‌.


Thank you Sir. 


Well Done Victor, this is a very good information