Hey Tomer & All
I will like to share with you the following 2 SK that you can use in case you want to do Performance investigation & Protection Impact understanding .
Solution 1:
From version 81.10 , we have a better tool than the Analyzer, the tool was migrated on top of the HCP tool ( See SK171436 - HeathCheck Point HCP ) , once you install the HCP it will be possible to see the protections impact on the system in the final report under the Threat Prevention section.
In order to see the Threat Prevention in the HCP report do the following :
- hcp --enable-product "Threat Prevention"
- hcp -r all
it is possible to open the hcp report from inside the smart console using the HCP extension add-on , see "SmartConsole Extension Installation" section from the HCP SK. if you don't want to use the extension in the smart console , please copy and paste the report from the gateway to your windows environment explore it .

Solution 2:
See sk167553 - "Performance Investigation Procedure - How To"
The Threat Prevention team created this SK in order to support customers for most common performance investigations , it has almost everything the Threat Prevention team do while investigating system under load .
Hope this answer give you answers for all your questions .