Hello @Trevor_Bruss , thanks for sharing your solution.
I've checked my $FWDIR/conf/rad_conf.C and this is its contents:
:urlfs_service_check_seconds (7200)
:amws_service_check_seconds (1800)
:cpu_cores_as_number_of_threads (false)
:number_of_threads (0)
:threads_to_cores_ratio (0.334)
:number_of_threads_fast_response (0)
:number_of_threads_slow_response (0)
:queue_max_capacity (2000)
:debug_traffic (false)
:use_dns_cache (true)
:dns_cache_timeout_sec (2)
:use_ssl_cache (true)
:cert_file_name ("ca-bundle.crt")
:cert_type ("CRT")
:ssl_version ("TLSv1_0")
:ciphers ("TLSv1")
:autodebug (true)
:log_timeouts (false)
:log_errors (true)
:number_of_reports (512)
:max_repository_multiplier (20)
:flow_timeout (6)
:excessive_flow_timeout (300)
:transfer_timeout_sec (15)
:max_flows (1000)
:max_pc_in_reply (0)
:retry_mechanism_on (false)
:max_retries (25)
:retry_peroid_mins (15)
So, I'll try to follow your solution by increasing :max_flows (1000). Anyway, is it normal such a file is only contained in VS 0? We have a VSX configuration and I discovered that file is not contained in VS 4 (i.e., the virtual system having issues with RAD).
[Expert@lntfw-pgtw2:0]# ls /opt/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/conf/rad_conf.C
[Expert@lntfw-pgtw2:0]# vsenv 4
Context is set to Virtual Device lntfw-pVSX1_Frontiera (ID 4).
[Expert@lntfw-pgtw2:4]# ls /opt/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/CTX/CTX00004/conf/rad_*