I followed SK120261 and updated my IP Geo database on my SMS and I have also verified the geo database on the actual gateways involved have dates of 4-22-19 telling me that database is updating daily as it should and I still see traffic being logged inbound from countries I have set to block and not log such as China, Russia, etc.
In another Geo Protection issue I had on R80.10 I permitted all traffic to and from the United States and blocked every other country. Geo Protection started dropping legitimate United States traffic. I worked with TAC on this and was told "I find out that Whitelist for R80.10 for Geo Policy does not work too well without a specific fix. It more on and off".
The TAC engineer provided sk110683 to reference. The hotfix mentioned in this SK would not import in CPUSE at first, then TAC got it to import but it wouldn't pass the verification test. I have been waiting for TAC to create a hotfix that will work.
Apparently it doesn't work well with a blacklist approach either.
It's very disappointing that I can't make it work as intended in my environment as I was really looking forward to the performance boost.