We have two seperate gateways (let's call them fwext and fwint) which are managed by a single management machine.
Up until today we had IPS enabled only on gateway A (only IPS, no antibot, antivirus, etc....).
In Smart Console it was configured under Custom Policy as:
Source: Any
Destination: Any
Protection/Site/File/Blade: N/A
Services: Any
Action: Gateway_ext_Profile
Install on: fwext
We now want to enable it also on gateway fwint.
I created a new IPS Profile (set to Detect) for gateway B and set it like this:
Source: Specific networks
Destination: Any
Protection/Site/File/Blade: N/A
Services: Any
Action: Gateway_int_Profile
Install on: Gateway fwint

It looks like it's working, I see detection in the logs, BUT:
1. I also see detection which are not coming from the specific network defined.
2. I created exceptions for rule no. 2 but it doesn't have any affect on the traffic.

We also have exceptions for rule no. 1 which works fine.
I'm having trouble understanding the topology and management of the IPS settings for different gateways, since it's basically a shared policy.