@PhoneBoy @cem82
Having a quick look (I maybe WAY off), Phoneboy can double check me, sk103154 shell scripts use SAM (Suspicious Activity Monitoring) rules in the script to block the IP’s and uses curl_cli as part of the tool set to pull the IP addresses from the selected file or URL. Since the scripts job is to pull from the resource, then create the SAM rules, I believe you would need to modify the shell script.
Now, I’m not sure what you would need to do, my guess would be to add “-k” to the “Curl_cli” rule or change the ca bundle it uses.
“curl_cli -s --cacert $CPDIR/conf/ca-bundle.crt --retry 10 --retry-delay 60 $url | dos2unix | grep -vE '^$'| convert > $cache_file_name”