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This Week in CheckMates 4 March 2019

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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
Past and future posts will be available here: The CheckMates Blog
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See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed)

Community Highlights

Here are the conversations worth watching in the community:


New Software Releases/EAs:


#CPX360 Slides 2019 

We turned around the slides and videos for CPX 360 in record time! The partner-specific content is now also available to partners.


Check Point for Beginners - Typical Config Mistakes 

We've had a couple threads on this. See also: Top human fails to avoid 


SmartConsole potential CPM issues 

In this case, the issue was resolved by generating a new SIC certificate (not to be confused with resetting the SIC ICA).


Which method would you recommend to upgrade from R80 to R80.20? 

migrate export/import is probably the better approach.


Are any of the MDS limitations in MDS R80.20 are addressed in R80.30EA? 

TL;DR: no, but we are working on it. 


R80.30 cheat sheet - ClusterXL 

Another good one from Heiko Ankenbrand‌!


Use Sandblast API on Security Gateway 

You can't do it on a regular Security Gateway. 



If you're struggling with this, this thread should help.


Upcoming Events

Due to the upcoming change to Lithium, we are maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.

You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar 

Upcoming events include:

We are currently in the planning phases for our 2019 events.

If you want one in your area, get in contact with us: 

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