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This Week in CheckMates 30 September 2019

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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
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CheckMates Around The World

Had a great session about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Foxborough, MA with @meiry:

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-23 at 08.15.39.jpeg

Then @meiry heads off to Copenhagen to do an event hosted by @Niels_Poulsen with @Dorit_Dor :

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-26 at 02.13.29.jpeg

Meanwhile, in Nashville, @Adam_Forester gathered a great crowd to discuss some real-life customer scenarios!



Community Highlights

Here are the threads to watch from the last week:

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Upcoming Events

We are now maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.
You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar 
Here's where you can find @Valeri_Loukine and I over the next few weeks

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