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This Week in CheckMates 23 July 2018

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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!

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Community Highlights

Here's some threads to have a look at from the last week or so:

How-To Videos

We've had a few "How To..... " Videos‌ added this week: 

Valeri Loukine‌ is starting to do a series of articles about SecureKnowledge, Check Point's official Knowledge Base. We also created a specific SecureKnowledge‌ space for discussions related to SecureKnowledge. 

Check Point R80.20 Demo TechTalk and Q&A 

In addition to the actual demo (and recording thereof), there were a lot of questions around R80.20 that we answered in the comments.

SmartView: Accessing Check Point Logs from Web 

One thing that was improved in R80.20.M1 was SmartView. Some details in this thread.

Threat Prevention Policy Layers 

Discussion about how policy layers work for Threat Prevention and when logs are generated.

Content Awareness Log with file name 

Curious why sometimes Content Awareness doesn't log file names? Here's why.

Is there a way to get a file using the API? 

Not directly, at least currently, but...

Check Point Firewall Admin Tasks 

More "best practices" being added to this thread...

Is it possible to get gateways config without Manager ? 

This is why you need to do regular backups of your management.

Ports Used for Communication by Various Check Point Modules 

Heiko Ankenbrand‌ keeps updating this fabulous document. 

Management API - internal structure 

There's a couple of different API servers: one that serves the REST API, and another one specifically for SmartConsole. 

We offer free training on some of our emerging technologies, as described at the link above!

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