Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
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Community Highlights
Here are the threads to watch from the last week:
New Releases
Put your virtual hands together!
A bonded sync link is a good idea.
Similar to My Top 3 CLI Commands but it lists posts that reference some more complicated CLI foo.
How to troubleshoot.
Similar to the previous thread, but involving VSX.
If you're applying Windows 10 updates, make sure the Endpoint Security client is also updated as well.
Some changes were made in R80+ with regards to OPSEC, make sure your third party products have been updated.
Explaining the various options.
An oldie but goodie that periodically comes up.
Upcoming Events
We are now maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.
You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar
Here's where you can find @Valeri_Loukine and I over the next few weeks
If you would like a CheckMates Live event in your area, get in contact with us: checkmates@checkpoint.com