Check Point CheckMates is our online community for all Check Point customers, partners, and security experts.
The community platform provides a user-friendly space for members to benefit from all the activities and insightful content it has to offer.
In a short time frame, 100,000 security professionals from over 200 countries gathered on CheckMates where together, we learn, share, and inspire each other every day.
This year, the community has plenty to celebrate!
We invited all our members to join in and say cheers to the best of CheckMates with The CheckMates Challenge.
Moti, Val, and I got together in front of a rolling camera to kick off the celebrations. With a few bloopers, a lot of laughter, and amazing prizes to be won, the community was raring to go.
Cheering to CheckMates included a whole load of celebratory fun!
One particular highlight of this year’s CheckMates Challenges was The Best of CheckMates.
Members were invited to vote for their favorite community moments, content and people over the past year.
They nominated fellow CheckMaters for various awards based on their contribution and commitment to the community.
2019 winners are as follows:

- Members of the Year:
- Contributors of the Year:
- Rising Star of the Year:
- Post of the Year:
- Code Hub Contribution of the Year:
- Innovative Feature of the Year:
- SmartView Cyber-Attack Dashboard from Oren Koren and his team
The winner of the How-To Videos competition is @Adam_Forester , with an eye-opening presentation on Updatable Objects & NAT.
Members are also shaping the future of Check Point!
On the community, we asked CheckMates users to share their innovative Idea of the Year, whether a product, feature or service.
Policy-Based Routing for Office 365 was chosen as the most notable, innovative Idea of the Year and is planned to be part of the Check Point roadmap for 2020.
What’s a real celebration without a little fun and games with prizes to win? The #CheckMatesChallenge contest on LinkedIn invited followers to take a unique photo with the community’s logo and share it on their LinkedIn profiles tagging CheckMates. Contestants traveled far and wide and some even went to great heights!
As this year’s celebrations come to an end, we wish all the winners huge congratulations and look forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv for the CheckMates Experience 2019.
Immense gratitude is owed to the entire community for all the significant value each member brings to CheckMates every day and to the voices that influence Check Point solutions.
@Gil_Shwed and @Dorit_Dor wanted to thank our winners personally!