Think its maybe a bug in the Python script. I see its a canned file, nothing customer related in it so I'll post. I see its a fairly new script (25th Oct) version .
I'm looking to install strace package on my Gaia box to try debug it - good luck if you spot something.
Here's the raw script, it wouldnt attach so just pasted it in
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import operator
import uuid
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.')))
from cpapi import APIClient, APIClientArgs
# printing messages to console and log file
# res_action - response from server, used if response is not OK
# message - message to inform user
# error - message with mark to inform user about issue
# ---
# returns: nothing
def printStatus(res_action, message, error=None):
line = ""
if res_action is not None and res_action.success is False:
if 'errors' in
for msg_err in['errors']:
line += "WARN:" + "\t" + msg_err['message'] + "\n"
if 'warnings' in
for msg_wrn in['warnings']:
line += "WARN:" + "\t" + msg_wrn['message'] + "\n"
if line == "":
if "message" in
line = "WARN:" + "\t" +['message'] + "\n"
line = "WARN:" + "\t" + "Err of getting message from the mgmt server" + "\n"
elif message is not None:
line += "\t" + message + "\n"
elif error is not None:
line += "WARN:" + "\t" + error + "\n"
if line != "":
# printing info message "process..." with delimeters
# objectsType - string of objects type
# ---
# returns: nothing
def printMessageProcessObjects(objectsType):
printStatus(None, "==========")
printStatus(None, "process " + objectsType + " ...")
printStatus(None, "")
# publishing to database new updates by condition; increasing counter by 1
# counter - is number of new updates. if it equals threshold then updates will be published
# isForced - publishing to database anyway
# ---
# returns: updated counter
def publishUpdate(counter, isForced):
if counter < 0:
counter = 0
counter += 1
if isForced or counter >= args.threshold:
if not isForced:
printStatus(None, "")
printStatus(None, "----------")
printStatus(None, "publishing to database...")
res_publish = client.api_call("publish", {})
if res_publish.success:
counter = 0
printStatus(res_publish, "publish is completed")
printStatus(None, "----------")
if isForced:
printStatus(None, "")
return counter
# check if response contains message that name of "new" object exists in database
# res_add_obj - response from server
# ---
# returns: True - if the name is duplicated, False - otherwise
def isNameDuplicated(res_add_obj):
isNameDuplicated = False
if 'errors' in
for msg in['errors']:
if msg['message'].startswith("More than one object named") and msg['message'].endswith("exists."):
isNameDuplicated = True
return isNameDuplicated
# check if response contains message that IP of "new" object exists in database
# res_add_obj - response from server
# ---
# returns: True - if the IP is duplicated, False - otherwise
def isIpDuplicated(res_add_obj):
isIpDuplicated = False
if 'warnings' in
messagePrefixes = ("Multiple objects have the same IP address",)
messagePrefixes += ("More than one network have the same IP",)
messagePrefixes += ("More than one network has the same IP",)
messagePrefixes += ("More than one object have the same IPv6",)
messagePrefixes += ("More than one object has the same IPv6",)
for msg in['warnings']:
if msg['message'].startswith(messagePrefixes):
isIpDuplicated = True
return isIpDuplicated
# check if object from server comes from "global" domain
# serverObject - JSON presentation of object
# ---
# returns: True - if object comes from "global" domain, False - otherwise
def isServerObjectGlobal(serverObject):
return serverObject['domain']['domain-type'] == "global domain"
# check if object from server comes from "local" domain
# serverObject - JSON presentation of object
# ---
# returns: True - if object comes from "local" domain, False - otherwise
def isServerObjectLocal(serverObject):
return serverObject['domain']['domain-type'] == "domain"
# adding "new" object to server
# adjusting the name if object with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# apiCommand - short string which indicates what should be done
# payload - JSON representation of "new" object
# userObjectNamePostfix - postfix as number
# changeName=True - True: to try to add object and adjust the name; False: to try to add object and NOT adjust the name
# ---
# returns: added object from server in JSON format, None - otherwise
def addUserObjectToServer(client, apiCommand, payload, userObjectNamePostfix=1, changeName=True):
isObjectAdded = False
userObjectNameInitial = ""
if changeName:
userObjectNameInitial = payload['name']
addedObject = None
while not isObjectAdded:
res_add_obj = client.api_call(apiCommand, payload)
printStatus(res_add_obj, None)
if res_add_obj.success is False:
if not changeName:
addedObject = None
if isNameDuplicated(res_add_obj):
if (apiCommand == 'add-time' or apiCommand == 'add-time-group') and (len(str(userObjectNamePostfix)) + len(userObjectNameInitial) + 1) > 11:
#if we have time object need to fill name with condition 11 symbols as max length
payload['name'] = userObjectNameInitial[:-(len(str(userObjectNamePostfix))+1)] + '_' + str(userObjectNamePostfix)
userObjectNamePostfix += 1
elif args.reuse_group_name.lower() == "true" and \
(apiCommand == 'add-group'
or apiCommand == 'add-service-group'
or apiCommand == 'add-time-group'
or apiCommand == 'add-group-with-exclusion'
or apiCommand == 'add-application-site-group'):
# In the case of duplicate names and the user uses the 'reuse-group-name' flag,
# the smartconnector will not create a new name, it will add the data to the existing name
addedObject =
isObjectAdded = True
addedObject["name"] = payload['name']
payload['name'] = userObjectNameInitial + '_' + str(userObjectNamePostfix)
userObjectNamePostfix += 1
addedObject =
isObjectAdded = True
return addedObject
# adding to server the object which contains fields with IP: hosts, networks
# adjusting the name if object with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# using the object from server side if object exits with the same IP at server
# client - client object
# payload - JSON representation of "new" object
# userObjectType - the type of object: host or network
# userObjectIp - IP which will be used as filter in request to server
# mergedObjectsNamesMap - the map which contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
# ---
# returns: updated mergedObjectsNamesMap
def addCpObjectWithIpToServer(client, payload, userObjectType, userObjectIp, mergedObjectsNamesMap):
printStatus(None, "processing " + userObjectType + ": " + payload['name'])
userObjectNameInitial = payload['name']
userObjectNamePostfix = 1
isFinished = False
isIgnoreWarnings = False
while not isFinished:
payload["ignore-warnings"] = isIgnoreWarnings
# payload["--user-agent"] = "mgmt_cli_smartmove";
res_add_obj_with_ip = client.api_call("add-" + userObjectType, payload)
print("add-" + userObjectType, payload)
printStatus(res_add_obj_with_ip, "REPORT: " + userObjectNameInitial + " is added as " + payload['name'])
if res_add_obj_with_ip.success is False:
if isIpDuplicated(res_add_obj_with_ip) and not isIgnoreWarnings:
res_get_obj_with_ip = client.api_query("show-objects", payload={"filter": userObjectIp, "ip-only": False,
"type": userObjectType})
printStatus(res_get_obj_with_ip, None)
if res_get_obj_with_ip.success is True:
if len( > 0:
if userObjectType == "network" and next((x for x in if x['subnet4' if is_valid_ipv4(payload['subnet']) else 'subnet6'] == payload['subnet'] and (x['subnet-mask'] == payload['subnet-mask']) if is_valid_ipv4(payload['subnet'])), None) is None:
isIgnoreWarnings = True
if userObjectType == "host":
mergedObjectsNamesMap[userObjectNameInitial] =[0]['name']
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + "CP object " + mergedObjectsNamesMap[
userObjectNameInitial] + " is used instead of " + userObjectNameInitial)
isFinished = True
for serverObject in
# if more then one network in res_get_obj_with_ip, map to the one that matches subnet
mergedObjectsNamesMap[userObjectNameInitial] = next(x['name'] for x in if x['subnet4' if is_valid_ipv4(payload['subnet']) else 'subnet6'] == payload['subnet'] and (x['subnet-mask'] == payload['subnet-mask']) if is_valid_ipv4(payload['subnet']))
if (isServerObjectLocal(serverObject) and not isReplaceFromGlobalFirst) or (
isServerObjectGlobal(serverObject) and isReplaceFromGlobalFirst):
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + "CP object " + mergedObjectsNamesMap[
userObjectNameInitial] + " is used instead of " + userObjectNameInitial)
isFinished = True
isIgnoreWarnings = True
isFinished = True
elif isNameDuplicated(res_add_obj_with_ip):
payload['name'] = userObjectNameInitial + '_' + str(userObjectNamePostfix)
userObjectNamePostfix += 1
isFinished = True
mergedObjectsNamesMap[userObjectNameInitial] = payload['name']
isFinished = True
return mergedObjectsNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the groups which contains list of members
# adjusting the name if group with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# apiCommand - short string which indicates what should be done
# userGroup - group which will be processed and added to server
# mergedObjectsMap - map of objects which will be used for replacing
# mergedGroupsNamesMap - the map which contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
# ---
# returns: updated mergedGroupsNamesMap
def processGroupWithMembers(client, apiCommand, userGroup, mergedObjectsMap, mergedGroupsNamesMap, isNeedSplitted):
apiSetCommand = "set-group"
addedGroup = None
if "time" in apiCommand:
apiSetCommand = "set-time-group"
elif "service" in apiCommand:
apiSetCommand = "set-service-group"
if isNeedSplitted:
if ("Members" in userGroup): #group with list of members
for i, userGroupMember in enumerate(userGroup['Members']):
if userGroupMember in mergedObjectsMap:
userGroupMember = mergedObjectsMap[userGroupMember]
res_add_obj = client.api_call(
"name": userGroup['Name'],
"members": {"add": userGroupMember}
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userGroup['Name'] + " is set with new member " + str(userGroupMember))
else: #group with exclusion with include/exclude fields with groups name
printStatus(None, "WARN: " + userGroup['Name'] + " hasn't any member by the type GroupWithExlusions")
addedGroup = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userGroup['Name'],
"comments": userGroup['Comments'],
"tags": userGroup['Tags']
return addedGroup
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Domains
# adjusting the name if domain with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userDomains - the list of domains which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedDomainsNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processDomains(client, userDomains):
publishCounter = 0
mergedDomainsNamesMap = {}
if len(userDomains) == 0:
return mergedDomainsNamesMap
for userDomain in userDomains:
userDomainNameInitial = userDomain['Name']
printStatus(None, "processing domain: " + userDomain['Name'])
addedDomain = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userDomain['Name'],
"is-sub-domain": userDomain['IsSubDomain'],
"comments": userDomain['Comments'],
"tags": userDomain['Tags']
changeName = False
if addedDomain is not None:
mergedDomainsNamesMap[userDomainNameInitial] = addedDomain['name']
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userDomainNameInitial + " is added as " + addedDomain['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userDomainNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedDomainsNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Hosts
# adjusting the name if host with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# if host contains existing IP address then Host object from server will be used instead
# client - client object
# userHosts - the list of hosts which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedHostsNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processHosts(client, userHosts):
publishCounter = 0
mergedHostsNamesMap = {}
if len(userHosts) == 0:
return mergedHostsNamesMap
for userHost in userHosts:
payload = {
"name": userHost['Name'],
"ip-address": userHost['IpAddress'],
"comments": userHost['Comments'],
"tags": userHost['Tags']
initialMapLength = len(mergedHostsNamesMap)
mergedHostsNamesMap = addCpObjectWithIpToServer(client, payload, "host", userHost['IpAddress'],
if initialMapLength == len(mergedHostsNamesMap):
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userHost['Name'] + ' is not added.')
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedHostsNamesMap
def is_valid_ipv4(ip):
pattern = re.compile(r"""
# Dotted variants:
# Decimal 1-255 (no leading 0's)
0x0*[0-9a-f]{1,2} # Hexadecimal 0x0 - 0xFF (possible leading 0's)
0+[1-3]?[0-7]{0,2} # Octal 0 - 0377 (possible leading 0's)
(?: # Repeat 0-3 times, separated by a dot
0x0*[0-9a-f]{1,8} # Hexadecimal notation, 0x0 - 0xffffffff
0+[0-3]?[0-7]{0,10} # Octal notation, 0 - 037777777777
# Decimal notation, 1-4294967295:
return pattern.match(ip) is not None
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
pattern = re.compile(r"""
\s* # Leading whitespace
(?!.*::.*::) # Only a single whildcard allowed
(?:(?!:)|:(?=:)) # Colon iff it would be part of a wildcard
(?: # Repeat 6 times:
[0-9a-f]{0,4} # A group of at most four hexadecimal digits
(?:(?<=::)|(?<!::):) # Colon unless preceeded by wildcard
){6} #
(?: # Either
[0-9a-f]{0,4} # Another group
(?:(?<=::)|(?<!::):) # Colon unless preceeded by wildcard
[0-9a-f]{0,4} # Last group
(?: (?<=::) # Colon iff preceeded by exacly one colon
| (?<!:) #
| (?<=:) (?<!::) : #
) # OR
| # A v4 address with NO leading zeros
(?: \.
\s* # Trailing whitespace
return pattern.match(ip) is not None
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Networks
# adjusting the name if network with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# if network contains existing IP subnet then Network object from server will be used instead
# client - client object
# userNetworks - the list of networks which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedNetworksNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processNetworks(client, userNetworks):
publishCounter = 0
mergedNetworksNamesMap = {}
userNetworks = sorted(userNetworks, key=lambda K: ('' if K['Netmask'] is None else K['Netmask'], '' if K['MaskLength'] is None else K['MaskLength']), reverse=True)
if len(userNetworks) == 0:
return mergedNetworksNamesMap
for userNetwork in userNetworks:
payload = {
"name": userNetwork['Name'],
"comments": userNetwork['Comments'],
"tags": userNetwork['Tags'],
"subnet": userNetwork['Subnet']
if is_valid_ipv4(userNetwork['Subnet']):
payload["subnet-mask"] = userNetwork['Netmask']
payload["mask-length6"] = userNetwork['MaskLength']
initialMapLength = len(mergedNetworksNamesMap)
mergedNetworksNamesMap = addCpObjectWithIpToServer(client, payload, "network", userNetwork['Subnet'],
if initialMapLength == len(mergedNetworksNamesMap):
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userNetwork['Name'] + ' is not added.')
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedNetworksNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Ranges
# adjusting the name if range with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# if range contains existing IP start and end then Range object from server will be used instead
# client - client object
# userRanges - the list of ranges which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedRangesNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processRanges(client, userRanges):
publishCounter = 0
mergedRangesNamesMap = {}
if len(userRanges) == 0:
return mergedRangesNamesMap
serverRangesMap = {}
serverRangesMapGlobal = {}
serverRangesMapLocal = {}
printStatus(None, "reading address ranges from server")
res_get_ranges = client.api_query("show-address-ranges")
printStatus(res_get_ranges, None)
for serverRange in
key = ''
if 'ipv4-address-first' in serverRange:
key = serverRange['ipv4-address-first'] + '_' + serverRange['ipv4-address-last']
key = serverRange['ipv6-address-first'] + '_' + serverRange['ipv6-address-last']
if isServerObjectGlobal(serverRange) and key not in serverRangesMapGlobal:
serverRangesMapGlobal[key] = serverRange['name']
elif isServerObjectLocal(serverRange) and key not in serverRangesMapLocal:
serverRangesMapLocal[key] = serverRange['name']
elif key not in serverRangesMapGlobal and key not in serverRangesMapLocal and key not in serverRangesMap:
serverRangesMap[key] = serverRange['name']
printStatus(None, "")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
serverRangesMap = serverRangesMap.copy()
if isReplaceFromGlobalFirst:
if isReplaceFromGlobalFirst:
serverRangesMap = dict(
serverRangesMap.items() + serverRangesMapLocal.items() + serverRangesMapGlobal.items())
serverRangesMap = dict(
serverRangesMap.items() + serverRangesMapGlobal.items() + serverRangesMapLocal.items())
for userRange in userRanges:
printStatus(None, "processing range: " + userRange['Name'])
userRangeNameInitial = userRange['Name']
rngFrom = '' if userRange['RangeFrom'] is None else userRange['RangeFrom']
rngTo = '' if userRange['RangeTo'] is None else userRange['RangeTo']
key = rngFrom + '_' + rngTo
if key in serverRangesMap:
printStatus(None, None,
"More than one range has the same ip: '" + userRange['RangeFrom'] + "' and '" + userRange[
'RangeTo'] + "'")
mergedRangesNamesMap[userRangeNameInitial] = serverRangesMap[key]
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + "CP object " + mergedRangesNamesMap[
userRangeNameInitial] + " is used instead of " + userRangeNameInitial)
userRangeNamePostfix = 1
if userRange['Name'] in serverRangesMap.values():
printStatus(None, None, "More than one object named '" + userRange['Name'] + "' exists.")
while userRange['Name'] in serverRangesMap.values():
userRange['Name'] = userRangeNameInitial + '_' + str(userRangeNamePostfix)
userRangeNamePostfix += 1
payload = {
"name": userRange['Name'],
"ip-address-first": userRange['RangeFrom'],
"ip-address-last": userRange['RangeTo'],
"comments": userRange['Comments'],
"tags": userRange['Tags'],
"ignore-warnings": True
addedRange = addUserObjectToServer(client, "add-address-range", payload, userRangeNamePostfix)
if addedRange is not None:
mergedRangesNamesMap[userRangeNameInitial] = addedRange['name']
key = ''
if 'ipv4-address-first' in addedRange:
key = addedRange['ipv4-address-first'] + '_' + addedRange['ipv4-address-last']
key = addedRange['ipv6-address-first'] + '_' + addedRange['ipv6-address-last']
serverRangesMap[key] = addedRange['name']
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userRangeNameInitial + " is added as " + addedRange['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userRangeNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedRangesNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Network Groups
# adjusting the name if network group with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userNetworkGroups - the list of network groups which will be processed and added to server
# mergedNetworkObjectsMap - map of network objects which will be used for replacing
# ---
# returns: mergedGroupsNamesDict dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processNetGroups(client, userNetworkGroups, mergedNetworkObjectsMap):
printMessageProcessObjects("network groups")
publishCounter = 0
mergedGroupsNamesDict = {}
if len(userNetworkGroups) == 0:
return mergedGroupsNamesDict
for userNetworkGroup in userNetworkGroups:
userNetworkGroupNameInitial = userNetworkGroup['Name']
addedNetworkGroup = None
if userNetworkGroup['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_GroupWithExclusion':
printStatus(None, "processing network group with exclusion: " + userNetworkGroup['Name'])
if userNetworkGroup['Include'] in mergedGroupsNamesDict:
userNetworkGroup['Include'] = mergedGroupsNamesDict[userNetworkGroup['Include']]
if userNetworkGroup['Except'] in mergedGroupsNamesDict:
userNetworkGroup['Except'] = mergedGroupsNamesDict[userNetworkGroup['Except']]
addedNetworkGroup = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userNetworkGroup['Name'],
"include": userNetworkGroup['Include'],
"except": userNetworkGroup['Except'],
"comments": userNetworkGroup['Comments'],
"tags": userNetworkGroup['Tags']
printStatus(None, "processing network group: " + userNetworkGroup['Name'])
addedNetworkGroup = processGroupWithMembers(client, "add-group", userNetworkGroup, mergedNetworkObjectsMap,
mergedGroupsNamesDict, False)
if addedNetworkGroup is not None:
mergedGroupsNamesDict[userNetworkGroupNameInitial] = addedNetworkGroup['name']
if 'errors' in addedNetworkGroup:
if 'More than one object' in addedNetworkGroup['errors'][0]['message']:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: Using the existing object '{}'".format(addedNetworkGroup['name']))
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userNetworkGroupNameInitial + " is added as " + addedNetworkGroup['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
userNetworkGroup["Name"] = addedNetworkGroup['name']
if userNetworkGroup['TypeName'] != 'CheckPoint_GroupWithExclusion':
processGroupWithMembers(client, "add-group", userNetworkGroup, mergedNetworkObjectsMap,
mergedGroupsNamesDict, True)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userNetworkGroupNameInitial + " is not added.")
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedGroupsNamesDict
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Simple Gateways
# adjusting the name if simple gateway with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userSimpleGateways - the list of simple gateways which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedSimpleGatewaysNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processSimpleGateways(client, userSimpleGateways):
printMessageProcessObjects("simple gateways")
publishCounter = 0
mergedSimpleGatewaysNamesMap = {}
if len(userSimpleGateways) == 0:
return mergedSimpleGatewaysNamesMap
for userSimpleGateway in userSimpleGateways:
printStatus(None, "processing simple gateway: " + userSimpleGateway['Name'])
userSimpleGatewayNameInitial = userSimpleGateway['Name']
addedSimpleGateway = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userSimpleGateway['Name'],
"ip-address": userSimpleGateway['IpAddress'],
"comments": userSimpleGateway['Comments'],
"tags": userSimpleGateway['Tags']
if addedSimpleGateway is not None:
mergedSimpleGatewaysNamesMap[userSimpleGatewayNameInitial] = addedSimpleGateway['name']
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userSimpleGatewayNameInitial + " is added as " + addedSimpleGateway['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userSimpleGatewayNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedSimpleGatewaysNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Zones
# adjusting the name if zone with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userZones - the list of zones which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedZonesNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processZones(client, userZones):
publishCounter = 0
mergedZonesNamesMap = {}
if len(userZones) == 0:
return mergedZonesNamesMap
for userZone in userZones:
printStatus(None, "processing zone: " + userZone['Name'])
userZoneNameInitial = userZone['Name']
addedZone = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userZone['Name'],
"comments": userZone['Comments'],
"tags": userZone['Tags']
if addedZone is not None:
mergedZonesNamesMap[userZoneNameInitial] = addedZone['name']
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userZoneNameInitial + " is added as " + addedZone['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userZoneNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedZonesNamesMap
# generate and provide key for Services dictionary
# serverService - service in JSON format
# ---
# returns: string as key
def provideServerServiceKey(serverService):
key = ""
if 'port' in serverService: # key for TCP or UDP or SCTP
key = serverService['port']
elif 'icmp-type' in serverService: # key for ICMP
key = str(serverService['icmp-type'])
if 'icmp-code' in serverService and serverService['icmp-code'] != 'null':
key += "_" + str(serverService['icmp-code'])
elif 'ip-protocol' in serverService: # key for Other
key = serverService['ip-protocol']
return key
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Services (TCP, UDP, SCTP, ICMP or Other)
# adjusting the name if service with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# if service contains existing port then Service object from server will be used instead
# client - client object
# userServices - the list of services which will be processed and added to server
# userServiceType - the type of service which should be processed
# ---
# returns: mergedServicesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processServices(client, userServices, userServiceType):
printMessageProcessObjects(userServiceType + " services")
publishCounter = 0
mergedServicesMap = {}
serverServicesMap = {}
serverServicesMapGlobal = {}
serverServicesMapLocal = {}
printStatus(None, "reading " + userServiceType + " services from server")
res_get_services = client.api_query("show-services-" + userServiceType)
printStatus(res_get_services, None)
for serverService in
mergedServicesMap[serverService['name']] = serverService['uid']
key = provideServerServiceKey(serverService)
isServiceReplacing = False
if 'port' in serverService and ('protocol' not in serverService or serverService['protocol'] == 'null'):
isServiceReplacing = True
if isServerObjectGlobal(serverService) and (key not in serverServicesMapGlobal or isServiceReplacing):
serverServicesMapGlobal[key] = (serverService['name'], serverService['uid'])
elif isServerObjectLocal(serverService) and (key not in serverServicesMapLocal or isServiceReplacing):
serverServicesMapLocal[key] = (serverService['name'], serverService['uid'])
elif not isServerObjectGlobal(serverService) and not isServerObjectLocal(serverService) and (
key not in serverServicesMap or isServiceReplacing):
serverServicesMap[key] = (serverService['name'], serverService['uid'])
printStatus(None, "")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
serverServicesMap = serverServicesMap.copy()
if isReplaceFromGlobalFirst:
if isReplaceFromGlobalFirst:
serverServicesMap = dict(
serverServicesMap.items() + serverServicesMapLocal.items() + serverServicesMapGlobal.items())
serverServicesMap = dict(
serverServicesMap.items() + serverServicesMapGlobal.items() + serverServicesMapLocal.items())
if len(userServices) == 0:
return mergedServicesMap
for userService in userServices:
printStatus(None, "processing " + userServiceType + " service: " + userService['Name'])
userServiceNameInitial = userService['Name']
key = ""
duplicationValueMessagePostfix = ""
if 'Port' in userService:
key = userService['Port']
duplicationValueMessagePostfix = "port: " + userService['Port']
elif 'Type' in userService:
key = userService['Type']
duplicationValueMessagePostfix = "type: " + userService['Type']
if 'Code' in userService and userService['Code'] != 'null':
key += "_" + userService['Code']
duplicationValueMessagePostfix = "type / code: " + userService['Type'] + " / " + userService['Code']
elif 'IpProtocol' in userService:
key = userService['IpProtocol']
duplicationValueMessagePostfix = "ip-protocol: " + userService['IpProtocol']
if key in serverServicesMap:
printStatus(None, None,
"More than one " + userServiceType + " service has the same " + duplicationValueMessagePostfix)
mergedServicesMap[userServiceNameInitial] = serverServicesMap[key][1]
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + "CP object " + serverServicesMap[key][
0] + " is used instead of " + userServiceNameInitial)
userServiceNamePostfix = 1
serverServicesNames = [serverServiceNameUid[0] for serverServiceNameUid in serverServicesMap.values()]
if userService['Name'] in serverServicesNames:
printStatus(None, None, "More than one object named '" + userService['Name'] + "' exists.")
while userService['Name'] in serverServicesNames:
userService['Name'] = userServiceNameInitial + '_' + str(userServiceNamePostfix)
userServiceNamePostfix += 1
payload = {}
payload["name"] = userService['Name']
payload["comments"] = userService['Comments']
payload["tags"] = userService['Tags']
payload["ignore-warnings"] = True
if 'Port' in userService:
payload["port"] = userService['Port']
payload["source-port"] = userService['SourcePort']
payload["session-timeout"] = userService['SessionTimeout']
elif 'Type' in userService:
payload["icmp-type"] = userService['Type']
if 'Code' in userService and userService['Code'] != 'null':
payload["icmp-code"] = userService['Code']
elif 'IpProtocol' in userService:
payload["ip-protocol"] = userService['IpProtocol']
payload["match-for-any"] = True
addedService = addUserObjectToServer(client, "add-service-" + userServiceType, payload,
if addedService is not None:
mergedServicesMap[userServiceNameInitial] = addedService['uid']
key = provideServerServiceKey(addedService)
serverServicesMap[key] = (addedService['name'], addedService['uid'])
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userServiceNameInitial + " is added as " + addedService['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userServiceNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedServicesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Service Groups
# adjusting the name if service group with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userServicesGroups - the list of service groups which will be processed and added to server
# mergedServicesMap - map of service objects which will be used for replacing
# ---
# returns: mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processServicesGroups(client, userServicesGroups, mergedServicesMap):
printMessageProcessObjects("services groups")
publishCounter = 0
mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap = {}
if len(userServicesGroups) == 0:
return mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap
for userServicesGroup in userServicesGroups:
printStatus(None, "processing services group: " + userServicesGroup['Name'])
userServicesGroupNameInitial = userServicesGroup['Name']
addedServicesGroup = processGroupWithMembers(client, "add-service-group", userServicesGroup, mergedServicesMap,
mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap, False)
if addedServicesGroup is not None:
mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap[userServicesGroupNameInitial] = addedServicesGroup['name']
if 'errors' in addedServicesGroup:
if 'More than one object' in addedServicesGroup['errors'][0]['message']:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: Using the existing object '{}'".format(addedServicesGroup['name']))
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userServicesGroupNameInitial + " is added as " + addedServicesGroup['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
userServicesGroup["Name"] = addedServicesGroup['name']
processGroupWithMembers(client, "add-service-group", userServicesGroup, mergedServicesMap,
mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap, True)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userServicesGroupNameInitial + " is not added.")
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedServicesGroupsNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Time Groups
# adjusting the name if time group with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userTimesGroups - the list of time groups which will be processed and added to server
# mergedTimesNamesMap - the list of the time names
# ---
# returns: mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processTimesGroups(client, userTimesGroups, mergedTimesNamesMap):
printMessageProcessObjects("times groups")
publishCounter = 0
mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap = {}
if len(userTimesGroups) == 0:
return mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap
for userTimesGroup in userTimesGroups:
printStatus(None, "processing times group: " + userTimesGroup['Name'])
userTimesGroupNameInitial = userTimesGroup['Name']
addedTimesGroup = processGroupWithMembers(client, "add-time-group", userTimesGroup, mergedTimesNamesMap,
mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap, False)
if addedTimesGroup is not None:
mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap[userTimesGroupNameInitial] = addedTimesGroup['name']
if 'errors' in addedTimesGroup:
if 'More than one object' in addedTimesGroup['errors'][0]['message']:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: Using the existing object '{}'".format(addedTimesGroup['name']))
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userTimesGroupNameInitial + " is added as " + addedTimesGroup['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
userTimesGroup["Name"] = addedTimesGroup['name']
processGroupWithMembers(client, "add-time-group", userTimesGroup, mergedTimesNamesMap,
mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap, True)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userTimesGroupNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Time objects
# adjusting the name if time object with the name exists at server: <initial_object_name>_<postfix>
# client - client object
# userTimes - the list of time objects which will be processed and added to server
# ---
# returns: mergedTimesNamesMap dictionary
# the map contains name of user's object (key) and name of resulting object (value)
def processTimes(client, userTimes):
publishCounter = 0
mergedTimesNamesMap = {}
payload = {}
if len(userTimes) == 0:
return mergedTimesNamesMap
weekdays = {0: "Sun", 1: "Mon", 2: "Tue", 3: "Wed", 4: "Thu", 5: "Fri", 6: "Sat"}
for userTime in userTimes:
printStatus(None, "processing time: " + userTime['Name'])
userTimeNameInitial = userTime['Name']
payload["name"] = userTime['Name']
payload["comments"] = userTime['Comments']
payload["start-now"] = userTime['StartNow']
payload["start"] = {
"date": userTime['StartDate'],
"time": userTime['StartTime']
payload["end-never"] = userTime['EndNever']
payload["end"] = {
"date": userTime['EndDate'],
"time": userTime['EndTime']
payload["hours-ranges"] = [
"enabled": userTime['HoursRangesEnabled_1'],
"from": userTime['HoursRangesFrom_1'] if userTime['HoursRangesFrom_1'] is not None else "00:00",
"to": userTime['HoursRangesTo_1'] if userTime['HoursRangesTo_1'] is not None else "00:00",
"index": 1
"enabled": userTime['HoursRangesEnabled_2'],
"from": userTime['HoursRangesFrom_2'] if userTime['HoursRangesFrom_2'] is not None else "00:00",
"to": userTime['HoursRangesTo_2'] if userTime['HoursRangesTo_2'] is not None else "00:00",
"index": 2
"enabled": userTime['HoursRangesEnabled_3'],
"from": userTime['HoursRangesFrom_3'] if userTime['HoursRangesFrom_3'] is not None else "00:00",
"to": userTime['HoursRangesTo_3'] if userTime['HoursRangesTo_3'] is not None else "00:00",
"index": 3
daysNames = [] # list of weekdays names e.g. "Sun", "Mon"...
# weekdays are presented as [1,2,3.. ] in userTime['RecurrenceWeekdays']
for day in userTime['RecurrenceWeekdays']:
payload["recurrence"] = {
"pattern": "Daily" if userTime['RecurrencePattern'] == 1 else (
"Weekly" if userTime['RecurrencePattern'] == 2 else (
"Monthly" if userTime['RecurrencePattern'] == 3 else None)),
"weekdays": daysNames
payload["tags"] = userTime['Tags']
addedTime = addUserObjectToServer(
if addedTime is not None:
mergedTimesNamesMap[userTimeNameInitial] = addedTime['name']
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userTimeNameInitial + " is added as " + addedTime['name'])
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userTimeNameInitial + ' is not added.')
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
return mergedTimesNamesMap
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Access Rules
# the rules is added in back order: the last item of list goes first and the first item goes last
# client - client object
# userRules - the list of access rules which will be processed and added to server
# userLayerName - the name of layer where access rules will be added
# skipCleanUpRule - the flag which indicates to exclude "Clean up" rule from layer or not; "Clean up" rule is the last rule in the layer always
# mergedNetworkObjectsMap - map of all network objects (groups is included) which will be used for replacing
# mergedServiceObjectsMap - map of all services objects (groups is included) which will be used for replacing
# mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap - map of time groups objects which will be used for replacing
# ---
# returns: nothing
def addAccessRules(client, userRules, userLayerName, skipCleanUpRule, mergedNetworkObjectsMap, mergedServiceObjectsMap,
mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap, mergedTimesNamesMap):
if userRules is not None:
publishCounter = 0
printStatus(None, "processing access rules to " + userLayerName + " layer")
printStatus(None, "")
userRulesStartPosition = -2 if skipCleanUpRule else -1
# userRules[userRulesStartPosition::-1]:
# -1 - minus means to iterate backwards, 1 means step
# userRulesStartPosition - start point, length of list "- userRulesStartPosition" because reverse mode is specified
# end point is not specified - all elements
for i, userRule in enumerate(userRules[userRulesStartPosition::-1]):
printStatus(None, "processing access rule: #" + str(len(userRules) - i) + ", " + (
userRule['Name'] if userRule['Name'] is not None else ""))
# JSON access rules contain "action" as number
# "action" number points to the next list of values from SmartMove:
# 0 = Accept
# 1 = Drop
# 2 = Reject
# 3 = SubPolicy
actions = {0: "accept", 1: "drop", 2: "reject", 3: "apply layer"}
sources = []
for source in userRule['Source']:
sourceName = source['Name']
sourceName = mergedNetworkObjectsMap[
sourceName] if sourceName in mergedNetworkObjectsMap else sourceName
destinations = []
for destination in userRule['Destination']:
destinationName = destination['Name']
destinationName = mergedNetworkObjectsMap[
destinationName] if destinationName in mergedNetworkObjectsMap else destinationName
services = []
for service in userRule['Service']:
serviceName = service['Name']
serviceName = mergedServiceObjectsMap[
serviceName] if serviceName in mergedServiceObjectsMap else serviceName
times = []
for time in userRule['Time']:
timeName = time['Name']
# support of time-ranges along with time-groups is added
if timeName in mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap:
timeName = mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap[timeName]
elif timeName in mergedTimesNamesMap:
timeName = mergedTimesNamesMap[timeName]
timeName = timeName
# timeName = mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap[timeName] if timeName in mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap else timeName
payload = {
"layer": userRule['Layer'],
"position": "top",
"name": userRule['Name'],
"action": actions[userRule['Action']],
"destination": destinations,
"destination-negate": userRule['DestinationNegated'],
"enabled": userRule['Enabled'],
"service": services,
"source": sources,
"source-negate": userRule['SourceNegated'],
"time": times,
"track": {"type": "None" if userRule['Track'] == 0 else "Log"},
"comments": userRule['Comments']
if userRule['Action'] == 3:
payload["inline-layer"] = userRule['SubPolicyName']
if userRule['ConversionComments'].strip() != "":
payload["custom-fields"] = {"field-1": userRule['ConversionComments']}
addedRule = addUserObjectToServer(client, "add-access-rule", payload, changeName=False)
if addedRule is not None:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: access rule is added")
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: access rule is not added")
printStatus(None, "")
publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint Package with Layers and Access Rules
# client - client object
# userPackage - the package which contains layers and access rules
# mergedNetworkObjectsMap - map of all network objects (groups is included) which will be used for replacing
# mergedServiceObjectsMap - map of all services objects (groups is included) which will be used for replacing
# mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap - map of time groups objects which will be used for replacing
# ---
# returns: added package in JSON format
def processPackage(client, userPackage, mergedNetworkObjectsMap, mergedServiceObjectsMap, mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap,
allExistingLayers = {}
addedPackage = None
if userPackage is not None:
original_package_name = userPackage['Name']
userPackage['Name'] = userPackage['Name'] + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4().hex[:3].upper())
publishCounter = 0
printStatus(None, "processing package: " + userPackage['Name'])
addedPackage = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userPackage['Name'],
"threat-prevention": False,
"tags": userPackage['Tags']
if addedPackage is None:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userPackage['Name'] + " package is not added")
return addedPackage
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userPackage['Name'] + " package is added")
printStatus(None, "")
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
if userPackage['SubPolicies'] is not None:
for userSubLayer in userPackage['SubPolicies']:
originalName = userSubLayer['Name']
userSubLayer['Name'] = userSubLayer['Name'] + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4().hex[:3].upper())
allExistingLayers[originalName] = userSubLayer['Name']
for rule in userSubLayer['Rules']:
rule['Layer'] = userSubLayer['Name']
if rule['SubPolicyName'] != "":
rule['SubPolicyName'] = allExistingLayers[rule['SubPolicyName']]
printStatus(None, "processing access layer: " + userSubLayer['Name'])
addedSubLayer = addUserObjectToServer(
"name": userSubLayer['Name'],
"add-default-rule": False,
"applications-and-url-filtering": userSubLayer['ApplicationsAndUrlFiltering'],
"comments": userSubLayer['Comments'],
"tags": userSubLayer['Tags']
if addedSubLayer is None:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userSubLayer['Name'] + " layer is not added")
printStatus(None, "REPORT: " + userSubLayer['Name'] + " layer is added")
printStatus(None, "")
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
addAccessRules(client, userSubLayer['Rules'], userSubLayer['Name'], False, mergedNetworkObjectsMap,
mergedServiceObjectsMap, mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap, mergedTimesNamesMap)
if userPackage['ParentLayer'] is not None:
userPackage['ParentLayer']['Name'] = userPackage['ParentLayer']['Name'].replace(original_package_name,
for parentRule in userPackage['ParentLayer']['Rules']:
parentRule['Layer'] = userPackage['ParentLayer']['Name']
if parentRule['SubPolicyName'] != "":
parentRule['SubPolicyName'] = allExistingLayers[parentRule['SubPolicyName']]
addAccessRules(client, userPackage['ParentLayer']['Rules'], "parent", True, mergedNetworkObjectsMap,
mergedServiceObjectsMap, mergedTimesGroupsNamesMap, mergedTimesNamesMap)
return addedPackage
# resolver for nat method type
# typeValue - number of type [ static, hide, nat64, nat46 ]
def getMethodType(typeValue):
_type = "static"
if typeValue == 1:
_type = "hide"
elif typeValue == 2:
_type = "nat64"
elif typeValue == 3:
_type = "nat46"
return _type
# processing and adding to server the CheckPoint NAT rules
# NAT rules are added if package has been added
# client - client object
# addedPackage - added package in JSON format
# userNatRules - the list of NAT rules which will be processed and added to server
# mergedNetworkObjectsMap - map of all network objects (groups is included) which will be used for replacing
# mergedServiceObjectsMap - map of all services objects (groups is included) which will be used for replacing
# ---
# returns: nothing
def processNatRules(client, addedPackage, userNatRules, mergedNetworkObjectsMap, mergedServiceObjectsMap):
printMessageProcessObjects("nat rules")
if addedPackage is None:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: nat rules can not been added because package was not added")
publishCounter = 0
for i, userNatRule in enumerate(userNatRules):
userNatRule['Package'] = addedPackage['name']
printStatus(None, "processing nat rule: #" + str(i))
sourceOrig = ""
if userNatRule['Source'] is not None:
sourceOrig = userNatRule['Source']['Name']
sourceOrig = mergedNetworkObjectsMap[sourceOrig] if sourceOrig in mergedNetworkObjectsMap else sourceOrig
destinationOrig = ""
if userNatRule['Destination'] is not None:
destinationOrig = userNatRule['Destination']['Name']
destinationOrig = mergedNetworkObjectsMap[
destinationOrig] if destinationOrig in mergedNetworkObjectsMap else destinationOrig
serviceOrig = ""
if userNatRule['Service'] is not None:
serviceOrig = userNatRule['Service']['Name']
serviceOrig = mergedServiceObjectsMap[
serviceOrig] if serviceOrig in mergedServiceObjectsMap else serviceOrig
sourceTrans = ""
if userNatRule['TranslatedSource'] is not None:
sourceTrans = userNatRule['TranslatedSource']['Name']
sourceTrans = mergedNetworkObjectsMap[
sourceTrans] if sourceTrans in mergedNetworkObjectsMap else sourceTrans
destinationTrans = ""
if userNatRule['TranslatedDestination'] is not None:
destinationTrans = userNatRule['TranslatedDestination']['Name']
destinationTrans = mergedNetworkObjectsMap[
destinationTrans] if destinationTrans in mergedNetworkObjectsMap else destinationTrans
serviceTrans = ""
if userNatRule['TranslatedService'] is not None:
serviceTrans = userNatRule['TranslatedService']['Name']
serviceTrans = mergedServiceObjectsMap[
serviceTrans] if serviceTrans in mergedServiceObjectsMap else serviceTrans
payload = {
"package": userNatRule['Package'],
"position": "bottom",
"comments": userNatRule['Comments'],
"enabled": userNatRule['Enabled'],
"method": getMethodType(userNatRule['Method']),
"original-source": sourceOrig,
"original-destination": destinationOrig,
"original-service": serviceOrig,
"translated-source": sourceTrans,
"translated-destination": destinationTrans,
"translated-service": serviceTrans
addedNatRule = addUserObjectToServer(client, "add-nat-rule", payload, changeName=False)
if addedNatRule is not None:
printStatus(None, "REPORT: nat rule is added")
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, False)
printStatus(None, "REPORT: nat rule is not added")
printStatus(None, "")
publishCounter = publishUpdate(publishCounter, True)
args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args_parser._optionals.title = "arguments"
args_parser.add_argument('-m', '--management', default='',
help="Management server IP address or name. Default:")
args_parser.add_argument('--port', type=int,
help="Server port. Default: 443")
mxg = args_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
mxg.add_argument('-r', '--root', action="store_true",
help="For a logged in administrator that wants to receive SuperUser permissions. Additional login credentials are not required.")
mxg.add_argument('-k', '--key',
mxg.add_argument('-u', '--user',
help="User name")
args_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password',
help="User password")
args_parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', default='cp_objects.json',
help="JSON file with CheckPoint Objects. Default: cp_objects.json")
args_parser.add_argument('-c', '--context', default='web_api',
help="Context of WebAPI.")
args_parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=int, default=100,
help="Parameter specifies maximum number of Check Point objects/rules to add before starting publish operation. Default: 100")
args_parser.add_argument('-d', '--domain', default=None,
help="The name/uid of the domain you want to log into in an MDS environment.")
args_parser.add_argument('--replace-from-global-first', default="false",
help="The argument indicates that SmartConnector should use 'Global' objects at first, by default it uses 'Local' objects. [true, false]")
args_parser.add_argument('--reuse-group-name', default="false",
help="The argument indicates that SmartConnector should use reuse the group by name instead "
"of creating a new group, take cautions. [true, false]")
args = args_parser.parse_args()
file_name_log = "smartconnector"
if args.file != "cp_objects.json":
file_name_log += "_" + os.path.splitext(args.file)[0]
file_name_log += ".log"
if os.path.exists(file_name_log):
file_log = open(file_name_log, "w+")
if args.root and args.user and args.key is not None:
printStatus(None, None, "Command contains ambiguous parameters. User is unexpected when logging in as root.")
elif args.root and != '':
printStatus(None, None, "Command contains ambiguous parameters. Management is unexpected when logging in as root.")
elif not args.root and args.password is None and args.user is not None:
printStatus(None, None, "No password option is specified.")
elif not os.path.isfile(args.file):
printStatus(None, None, "The file does not exists")
elif args.replace_from_global_first.lower() != "true" and args.replace_from_global_first.lower() != "false":
printStatus(None, None,
" error: argument --replace-from-global-first: invalid boolean value: '" + args.replace_from_global_first + "'")
elif args.reuse_group_name.lower() != "true" and args.reuse_group_name.lower() != "false":
printStatus(None, None, " error: argument --reuse-group-name: invalid boolean value: '" + args.reuse_group_name + "'")
if args.replace_from_global_first.lower() == "true":
isReplaceFromGlobalFirst = True
elif args.replace_from_global_first.lower() == "false":
isReplaceFromGlobalFirst = False
printStatus(None, "Input arguments:")
printStatus(None, "root flag is set" if args.root else "root flag is not set")
printStatus(None, "management: " +
"port: " + str(args.port) if args.port is not None else "port: is not set, default value will be used")
printStatus(None, "domain: " + args.domain if args.domain is not None else "domain: is not set")
printStatus(None, "user: " + args.user if args.user is not None else "user: is not set")
printStatus(None, "password: ***" if args.password is not None else "password: is not set")
printStatus(None, "API_KEY: " + args.key if args.key is not None else "API_KEY: is not set")
printStatus(None, "file: " + args.file)
printStatus(None, "threshold: " + str(args.threshold))
printStatus(None, "replace-from-global-first: " + str(isReplaceFromGlobalFirst))
printStatus(None, "reuse-group-name: " + str(args.reuse_group_name).lower())
printStatus(None, "===========================================")
printStatus(None, "reading and parsing processes are started for JSON file: " + args.file)
with open(args.file) as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
# define lists of CheckPoint Objects
userDomains = []
userHosts = []
userNetworks = []
userRanges = []
userNetGroups = []
userSimpleGateways = []
userZones = []
userServicesTcp = []
userServicesUdp = []
userServicesSctp = [] # is not used in Cisco
userServicesIcmp = [] # is not used in Cisco
userServicesOther = []
userServicesGroups = []
userTimesGroups = []
userTimes = []
userPackage = None
userNatRules = []
for jsonObject in json_data:
if jsonObject is None or 'TypeName' not in jsonObject:
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Domain':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Host':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Network':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Range':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_NetworkGroup' or jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_GroupWithExclusion':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_SimpleGateway':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Zone':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_TcpService':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_UdpService':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_SctpService':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_IcmpService':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_OtherService':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_ServiceGroup':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_TimeGroup':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Time':
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_Package':
userPackage = jsonObject
if jsonObject['TypeName'] == 'CheckPoint_NAT_Rule':
printStatus(None, "reading and parsing processes are completed for JSON file: " + args.file)
client_args = None
if args.port is not None:
client_args = APIClientArgs(, port=args.port, context=args.context, user_agent="mgmt_cli_smartmove")
client_args = APIClientArgs(, context=args.context, user_agent="mgmt_cli_smartmove")
with APIClient(client_args) as client:
client.debug_file = "api_calls.json"
printStatus(None, "checking fingerprint")
if client.check_fingerprint() is False:
printStatus(None, "Could not get the server's fingerprint - Check connectivity with the server.")
if args.root:
msg = "login as root to "
if args.domain is not None:
msg += args.domain + " domain of local server"
msg += "local server"
printStatus(None, msg)
login_res = client.login_as_root(domain=args.domain)
elif args.user:
msg = "login as " + args.user + " to "
if args.domain is not None:
msg += args.domain + " domain of " + + " server"
msg += + " server"
printStatus(None, msg)
login_res = client.login(args.user, args.password, domain=args.domain)
msg = "login by api key to "
if args.domain is not None:
msg += args.domain + " domain of " + + " server"
msg += + " server"
printStatus(None, msg)
login_res = client.login_with_api_key(args.key, domain=args.domain)
if login_res.success is False:
printStatus(None, f"Login failed: {login_res.error_message}")
printStatus(None, "")
mergedNetworkObjectsMap = {}
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processDomains(client, userDomains))
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processHosts(client, userHosts))
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processNetworks(client, userNetworks))
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processRanges(client, userRanges))
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processNetGroups(client, userNetGroups, mergedNetworkObjectsMap))
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processSimpleGateways(client, userSimpleGateways))
mergedNetworkObjectsMap.update(processZones(client, userZones))
mergedServicesObjectsMap = {}
mergedServicesObjectsMap.update(processServices(client, userServicesTcp, "tcp"))
mergedServicesObjectsMap.update(processServices(client, userServicesUdp, "udp"))
mergedServicesObjectsMap.update(processServices(client, userServicesSctp, "sctp"))
mergedServicesObjectsMap.update(processServices(client, userServicesIcmp, "icmp"))
mergedServicesObjectsMap.update(processServices(client, userServicesOther, "other"))
processServicesGroups(client, userServicesGroups, mergedServicesObjectsMap))
mergedTimesMap = processTimes(client, userTimes)
mergedTimesGroupsMap = processTimesGroups(client, userTimesGroups, mergedTimesMap)
addedPackage = processPackage(client, userPackage, mergedNetworkObjectsMap, mergedServicesObjectsMap,
mergedTimesGroupsMap, mergedTimesMap)
processNatRules(client, addedPackage, userNatRules, mergedNetworkObjectsMap, mergedServicesObjectsMap)
printStatus(None, "==========")