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Missing Objects after SmartMove Script

Hi. Trying to figure out how to find "missing" objects. While testing the SmartMove tool, ran the script files. They completed without issue but the objects didn't appear in the dashboard. Tried installing db same thing. Checked the Domain server with dbedit and the objects aren't there. Checked the MDS with dbedit and they weren't there either. If I try to create the objects again get an error stating the name/ip already exists. So trying to figure out a) how to get objects to appear in the dashboard b) determine where the objects are actually located The MDS is R80.10 and the objects were created with mgmt_cli add host command

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6 Replies

First of all, let's move this to‌.

Second, I wonder if there are any sessions that are still active but not yet committed that may account for the objects not being there.

Go to Manage & Settings > Sessions > View Sessions and see if there is any sessions are there.

If there is one, you can take it over and commit it (or discard, if you prefer).

0 Kudos

You have MDS environment, therefore, the scripts are run for a specific domain.

Did you check the domain?

0 Kudos

Thanks for the suggestions.  I did check for other sessions and there weren't any (this was in a lab) so that wasn't the issues.  As for the MDS question, yes I ran the script for the specific domain. verified this by just logging into the MDS and running the script and it error out until I ran mdsenv <domainname> first.     To take a step back I created another object with the following command mgmt._cli add host name hostname ip-address xx.xx.xx.xx  . though I don't think it's required also did mgmt._cli publish.  I did get the publish operation succeeded (100%) message.  And had the same issue with the objects not showing up. but if I run the command again  it states the new object exists.

So my question is if they aren't in the domain level because they haven't been published then where are they stored until published?  I can't find them using dbedit/guidbedit on either the mds or domain level

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before running the mgmt_cli add host command, I assume that you run mgmt_cli login command, right?

can you please write here the login command you run?

thanks, robert.

0 Kudos

that is correct.   First with the script created by the SmartMove conversation and then manually when I created the additional object

[Expert@mdsname:0]# mdsenv "domainname"

[Expert@mdsname:0]# mgmt_cli login -r true -d "domainname" -v 1.1 > id.txt
[Expert@mdsname:0]# JQ=${CPDIR}/jq/jq
[Expert@mdsname:0]# mgmt_cli show mdss -s id.txt --format json > domains.json
[Expert@mdsname:0]# DOMAINS_COUNT=$($JQ -r ".total" domains.json)

[Expert@mdsname:0]#  mgmt_cli SmartMove_Create_Objects -s id.txt > /dev/null 2>&1

[Expert@mdsname:0]#  mgmt_cli add hos"testpc" ip-address ""

0 Kudos

1. What is exactly "domainname"?
2. What is in SmartMove_Create_Objects?
3. mgmt_cli add hos"testpc" ip-address ""?

4. How do you know that the scripts run ok?

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