Hope you are doing fine, currently we are undertaking a migration of 60 ASA gateways to Check Point using SmartMove. Here are my two cents:
Inline policies is used to emulate in a certain ways the interface approach to create rules from ASA gateways, after importing rules you will probably see that you have certain rules with zones for sources an destination.
Depending on the criticity level of the gateway we use the standar rulebase or the optimized rulebase. For critical systems we use the standar rulebase generated by SmartMove since it's easier to analize over the optimized rulebase. Our experience showed that they both work fine.
One MAJOR drawback on importing an ASA rulebase is that you don't have outgoing ACLs on the showrun, this limitation is noted on the SmartMove SK. Most of the time this will not cause you a traffic outage but it will decrease your rulebase security since you will not have implied drops.
Last but not last, be sure to fix all the shadowed, duplicated or overlapping rules in ASA before importing them to Check Point.
Hope it helps 🙂