Hi! I have a Fortigate configuration (v.6.09) and trying to convert AD groups however it seems those are just ignored in the conversion process for some reason. I've specified an LDAP Account Unit (which is needed to generate a valid mgmt_cli commands) but Access Roles are not created during the conversion.
Here is how it looks in Fortigate config:
edit "AD_group_test"
set member "AD_LDAP_AU"
config match
edit 1
set server-name "AD_LDAP_AU"
set group-name "CN=AD_group_test,OU=InfoSec,OU=Test,OU=Groups,OU=DC01,DC=test,DC=local"
And this group is used in the Firewall policy:
edit 20911
set uuid 0e48bc7a-bf0b-51ec-d77a-8de1cc2533c7
set srcintf "any"
set dstintf "any"
set srcaddr "Private_nets"
set dstaddr "" "" "" "Net_10.0.1.0/24"
set action accept
set schedule "always"
set service "ALL"
set logtraffic all
set groups "AD_group_test"
set global-label "General rules"
But SmartMove doesn't generate any Access Role objects (x0)..
Any input on what may be wrong here? From Release Notes it seems that it should be supported..
I'm using the latest SmartMove version 6.0.8068.6581.