In case that your management is Smart-1 cloud, you have two options:
1. Open a ticket to TAC, provide them with the two files created during the export process, and ask them to run the import process.
2. Connect with the management APIs in Smart-1 Cloud, explained here
Extract all the CSV files from the TAR file.
And import each CSV file with mgmt_cli
mgmt_cli add host --batch collectiongroup2-hosts-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli add network --batch collectiongroup2-subnets-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli add address-range --batch collectiongroup2-ipranges-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli add dns-domain --batch collectiongroup2-fqdn-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli add group --batch collectiongroup2-ipgroups-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli add access-layer --batch collectiongroup2-layernames-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli set host --batch collectiongroup2-hosts-with-groups-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli set network --batch collectiongroup2-subnets-with-groups-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli set address-range --batch collectiongroup2-ipranges-with-groups-migrate.csv
mgmt_cli add access-rule --batch collectiongroup2-transformed.csv