I have the following issue caused by the antispoofing mehcanism. (SMS is R81.20, SMB GWs are R81.10.08)
Two IPsec VPN peers (centrally managed SMB appliances) are connected via route based VPN, over an MPLS interconnection between the two.
The only routes associated with the MPLS connected interfaces (LAN7 on both peers), are the needed static routes in order for the peers to reach each other over the MPLS interconnection. The first peer's relevant VTI is vpnt3, and the second one's is vpnt2.
The logs show the following behavior, where the second peer is blocking icmp ping requests packets send by the first peer (source and destination IP addresses are of other internal interfaces of the peers):
origin is first peer - VPN blade - Encrypt action - vpnt3 outoging - src - dst - specific rule id matched
origin is second peer - VPN blade - Decrypt action - vpnt2 incoming - src - dst - specific rule id matched
origin is second peer - Firewall blade - Drop action - LAN7 incoming - src - dst - message info "Address spoofing"
On both peers, antispoofing is configured to be calculated by the gateway, based on its routing table. Routes to direct traffic via the route based VPN are generated via OSPF, which is running on the VTI interfaces inbetween the peers.
Now, I would disable antispoofing all toghether, as I find it unnecessary and annoying, the way it's performed by CP, but the resultant warning messages are just as annoying.
Does anyone know a solution for this, or perhaps knows hwo to disable antispoofing and the warning messages as well?
Thank you